Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Here is an hourly chart of the December S&P e-mini futures. I last commented on this market here.

The market held 1340 support in early trading today and I think we shall see a 1360 print by the end of the week. By year end I believe the S&P's will have reached the 1400 level.


  1. On friday, 30 June, you wrote: "This would be about a 20% drop from the projected top near 11900." So, we're at the top. Or are we? If we're not, what in your analysis has changed?

  2. I still don't see enought bullish sentiment to indicate and important top. When I predicted 11900 I t hink I also said that the rally would continue into late November. Moreover, my target for the S&P is 1415 or so.

    All in all it now looks like the Dow will rally to 12500 before a big reaction sets in.
