Thursday, February 02, 2006


Here is an hourly chart showing pit trading in the March S&P futures.

Contrary to my expectation support near 1280 was broken decisively this morning. I think the market will now drop to 1267 or so and make a low above the 1262 level of the last low. The next big move should be upward to 1320.


  1. who says he is sure ! It is a guess - forecast - prediction etc....

  2. keep up the good work, miss or hit on this projection.

  3. I have to say that Carl provides interesting reading - if one expects to become a millionare by following his predictions I feel sorry for this person - I know how much work a trading blog is and I for myself decided to stop blogging but Carl has provided free of charge a lot of good ideas and that is a good starting point.
