Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I want to bring your atttention to this comment at the bottom of the previous post on the S&P.

"Schadenfreude" is a German word which roughly means "happiness over the misfortunes of other people".

This anonymous commenter has chosen to snipe at me from behind the cover of his internet bush, not having even the courage to tell us all his name.

When I read or hear a remark like this about my work I know instantly that that person is and will continue to be a life-long loser at the game of speculation. Indeed, the only joy he gets from the game comes from seeing other people take postions which are later trashed by the market's action. This Schadenfreude reaffirms his conviction that no one can win at the game of speculation, so it is o.k. if he himself is a loser.

Anyone who actively participates in the market regularly has the experience of the market moving contrary to his or her best estimate of its likely direction. The key to success is to recognize these "mistakes" early enough so that the damage can be limited.


Anonymous said...

I read your blog daily, I know how hard it is to make calls on the market, I appreciate your work and enjoy reading your posts. I am following your domed house theory on the S&P

Anonymous said...

Don't let them get to you Carl you work is the best I've seen.

Anonymous said...

The entire post on "Schadenfreude" strongly resonates with me. There is nothing to add.

Anonymous said...

As always, you have a wonderful way with words.Your market comments are a bright spot on the internet. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your market insights every day. These are your opinions which are usually backed up with graphs and they are very informative.
Keep up the excellent work.

Anonymous said...

I have just found your blog and enjoy your explanations of possible trends greatly.Happiness is a choice we all make and to blame others for our failure will only increase our unhappiness. Good luck to "Schadenfreude"

Anonymous said...

I read the comment and the post. I don't think it's a case of schadenfreude at all. Just a comment on one's perfect. I don't think you should be that sensitive and take it as an implied slur on your work.

Anonymous said...

I agree with John. I did not sense any negative intention in the original comment.