Weakness below 790 on increasing volume would mean that I was faked out by the move above the 800 level and that the short term trend is indeed downward. Failing that, however, I am expecting a bullish day tomorrow.
Real Time e-mini S&P Trading, plus contrarian commentary on all the markets, all the time
June S&P E-mini Futures: I think today’s range will extend from 800 down to yesterday’s low near 775. I also expect the market to continue this reaction until it reaches the 750 level. Once this reaction is complete I shall be looking for a move to 900. QQQ: The 29.00 level is support and I think the Q’s are headed for 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 115.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: The reaction in the euro should end near 131.00. I still think that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen is headed for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think May crude is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – June Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
good luck Mr. eternal bull!
you missed the biggest bear market in our lifetime because:
1. you are a perma-bull
2. it is unpatriotic of you to be bearish
3.you're afraid to go bear as that would make you less of an American
4. all of the above?
3/30/2009 09:24:00 AM
I generally don't publish comments like this one, but it happens to provide me with a teachable moment.
The goal of any investor or trader must be to outperform the "buy and hold" strategy by a big enough margin to justify the time and expense put into the effort.
Should this objective bias an investor or trader into favoring the bull or bear side of the market?
I think it should! Why? It is a historical fact that the U.S. stock market has outperformed every asset class (bonds, real estate, cash, commodities) over the past 200 years. It is also a fact that the market spends more calendar time going up than going down.
Let's frame these facts in another way. Suppose you had to make a choice at the start of each year whether to be fully invested in the stock market or instead fully invested in cash. What would your best choice be? The answer is simple - each and every year you would choose to be fully invested in stocks! If you make any other choice you would almost certainly do worse than the buy and hold strategy.
A lot of people delude themselves with the thought that they can consistently and successfully predict the advent of bull and bear markets. But to beat the market in this way an investor has to make two good decisions in a row - he must "sell high" near the top of a bull market and "buy low" near the bottom of a bear market. If he gets even one of these decisions wrong he will do worse than buy and hold.
Suppose that our hypothetical market timer gets things right 70% of the time - the probablility that he successfully buys low or sells high is 0.70. This is a pretty high level of skill. What are the odds that he will make two consecutive correct decisions? Probability theory tells us the answer is 0.70 x 0.70 = 0.49 - only 49%. So half the time our skilled market timer makes at least one incorrect decision and consequently does worse than buy and hold! In the long run his results will only match buy and hold - not a very high return on the skills which produce his 70% accuracy rate for single decisions !
The moral of this story is simple. If you want to beat buy and hold, it almost never pays to predict a bear market unless your skill level gives you at least an 80% or higher chance of getting it right, and also an 80% or higher chance of getting in near the bottom of the bear market. Any less skill than this won't help you.
Our anonymous commenter probably didn't sell near the top of the bull market. But even if he did, I can assure you that he will remain bearish throughout the next bull market - the time when buy and hold prospers. And I can also assure you that the attitudes exhibited in his message are those of an investor who does worse than buy and hold over time spans of 5 years or more.
June S&P E-mini Futures: At this morning’s low of 789.50 the e-minis have already dropped about 40 points from Thursday’s high. I think today’s range will be about 20-25 points with a low near 775. I think this is just a normal reaction in an uptrend. It may last as much as 7-10 calendar days and drop the market to the 750 level. When it is complete I expect the e-minis to begin a move to 900.
QQQ: The 29.00 level is support and I think the Q’s are headed for 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 115.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: The reaction in the euro should end near 131.00. I still think that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen is headed for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think May crude is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – June Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: Today’s range should be similar to yesterday’s. I am expecting a low near 812 and a high near 835. A break below the 812 level on substantial volume would mean the at drop of 40-50 points has begun.
QQQ: The 29.00 level is support and I think the Q’s are headed for 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 115.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen is headed for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think May crude is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I think that yesterday’s late rally which continued overnight is a decisive rejection of prices below the 800 level. This implies that the market is on its way to 845 or so. Today I expect to see a daytime range of 805-835.
QQQ: The 29.00 level is support and I think the Q’s are headed for 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 115.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen will probably react to 94.20 and then head for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think 40.00 is support for May crude and that the market is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I again estimate that today’s daytime range will be 30 points or so with the low near the 800 level. The market is getting close to the 840 target and I think that we shall see more and more sideways, trading range action as that target is approached.
QQQ: The 29.00 level is now support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen will probably react to 94.20 and then head for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think 40.00 is support for May crude and that the market is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I estimate that today’s daytime range will be 30 points or so with the low near the 800 level. The market is getting close to the 840 target and I think that we shall see more and more sideways, trading range action as the market approaches 840.
QQQ: The 29.00 level is now support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen will probably react to 94.20 and then head for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think 40.00 is support for May crude and that the market is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I don’t think the market is going to escape from its 760-800 trading range for a couple of days at least. I estimate today’s daytime range will be 770-795. The 840 level is still my target for this move up from 666.
QQQ: The 26.00 level is still support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen will probably react to 94.20 and then head for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think 40.00 is support for May crude and that the market is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: The e-minis dropped to 771 early this morning but have since rallied 12 points. I am sticking with my daytime range estimate of 772-800 for today. The 840 level is still my target for this move up from 666.
QQQ: The 26.00 level is still support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen will probably react to 94.20 and then head for the 104.00 level.
May Crude: I think 40.00 is support for May crude and that the market is on its way to the 58.00 level.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 955. A close above the 960 level will flip me back to the bullish column and mean that a move to 1100 is underway.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: The e-minis are trading at 796 as I write this, so we did NOT see a supply shock on yesterday’s last hour reaction. But the response to the Fed announcement was definitely a buying climax, so I think the market will trade sideways for a few days. Today’s range estimate is 775-805. The 840 level is still my target for this move up from 666.
QQQ: The 26.00 level is still support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: The bonds jumped a remarkable 8 points on the Fed news yesterday, but I don’t think the longer term bearish picture has changed. Resistance above the market is 132-16. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Resistance above the market is at 125-20. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 130.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: Then yen will probably react to 94.20 and then head for the 104.00 level.
April Crude: The 30-35 zone is long term support. The 50.00 level is resistance.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is now headed below 700. Resistance above the market is now at 955.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I again expect a day session range of 25-30 points today. The high should be near 783 and the low near755. Yesterday was generally an up day, so I think we shall see early strength today and then spend most of the day heading downward. The 840 level is still my target for this move up from 666.
QQQ: The 26.00 level is still support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I think the long term trend in the bond market is now definitely downward. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: I now believe that the euro is headed for the 141.00 level. 127.50 is support.
Dollar-Yen: The yen has nearly reached the 100.00 level. There is as yet no indication that the move up from 87.00 is over, so I now estimate that the yen will reach 104.00 before a substantial reaction begins.
April Crude: The 30-35 zone is long term support. The 50.00 level is resistance. I think the market has started to stabilize.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is now headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 945.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I again expect a day session range of about 25 points today with a high near 760 and a low near 735. This market will probably drop into the 725-30 zone over the next couple of days before resuming its move to 840.
QQQ: The 26.00 level is still support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I think the long term trend in the bond market is now definitely downward. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: The euro is headed down to 122.50. Resistance above the market is at 130.50. If this is broken substantially the market will probably head for the 141.00 level.
Dollar-Yen: The yen has nearly reached the 100.00 level. There is as yet no indication that the move up from 87.00 is over, so I now estimate that the yen will reach 104.00 before a substantial reaction begins.
April Crude: The 30-35 zone is long term support. The 50.00 level is resistance. I think the market has started to stabilize.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is now headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 945.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.
June S&P E-mini Futures: I expect a day session range of about 25 points today with a high near 773 and a low near 748. It is likely that the next 40-50 point move from here will be downward, but I also think the market will reach the 840 level in a few weeks.
QQQ: The 26.00 level is still support and I think the Q’s have started a move to 35.00.
June Bonds: I think the long term trend in the bond market is now definitely downward. Next downside target is 117.
June 10 Year Notes: I think a bear market in the notes is underway. Next downside target is 118.
Euro-US Dollar: The euro is headed down to 122.50. Resistance above the market is at 130.50. If this is broken substantially the market will probably head for the 141.00 level.
Dollar-Yen: The yen has nearly reached the 100.00 level. There is as yet no indication that the move up from 87.00 is over, so I now estimate that the yen will reach 104.00 before a substantial reaction begins.
April Crude: The 30-35 zone is long term support. The 50.00 level is resistance. I think the market has started to stabilize.
GLD – April Gold: I think the market is now headed below 700. Resistance above the market is at 945.
SLV - May Silver: Silver is still holding 1240 support but I think this level will soon be broken. If it is the market will be on its way below 800.
Google: I think that its drop from 747 is over. Support is at 290. Next upside target is 410.