Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Track Record

I have been writing this blog since late April of 2005. If you are interested in what I have said about the markets since that time you can take a look at the links in the far right hand column of this page. I have indexed all my posts by subject and they appear in reverse chronological order under each subject heading.


  1. Keep up the solid work! I'm a big fan.

  2. That would be three of us, at least.

  3. I love to read your stuff every day.

  4. i read too.. but, i think you don't respond to comments, which makes this blog a oneway forum

  5. I enjoy reading your blog every morning and look for your interesting postings during the day. Keep up the good work.

  6. Always an interesting blog. I'm sure it's a lot of work, but I enjoy your toughts and process. Keep going!

  7. Good work. I am convinced.
    Meanwhile, I also found you do not respond comments. I once sent you an email asking for your opnion on W.D Gann, as I think he may be another forcasing guru as George and maybe useful for your work

  8. Carl, any chance you could look at OS, fundamentally it can't go higher.. technically i fear its about to run (I'm short here)

  9. Carl,
    I have found your forecasting ability second to none. I am sure I can speak for all that we appreciate your efforts to create and maintain this forum, showing that "yes indeed" forword forecasting can be done. Most forecast the past, as you have said may times.
    Don Ewers

  10. read you everyday nuff said. thank you for your work

  11. Check your site every working day, I appreciate your efforts. You are a good chap 'Gunga Din'! Pip pip.

  12. I appreciate the blog, and especially the educational posts, as well as the fact you tell us things honestly, i.e. when you are wrong, you say it...and that's how it should be (though you are right, it seems, a great deal more than not!).
