Monday, June 12, 2006

Guesstimates on June 12, 8:50 am ET

September S&P Futures: I think the market will drop today into the 1250-1255 zone. After that a rally to 1282 is likely. In any case the low at 1245.75 should hold and the next big move should carry to new bull market highs.

September Bonds: The market should now drop to 106-28. Over the next few weeks the market should reach the 110-111 zone.

September 10 Year Notes: The notes couldn’t make it all the way to 106-08 and now are headed for support near 105-10. Over the next few weeks I expect the market to rally into the 107-108 zone.  

Euro-US Dollar: The market has reached  support at 125.70 but as yet shows no sign of a rally. Next step down should carry to 124.80. An extended drop which should carry below 116 is underway.  

Dollar-Yen: The yen soon should reach the 115.50 level. The market is in the early stage of  a move to 130.  

July Crude: Resistance today is at 72.50. The market should reach 66.50 soon.

August Gold: The next step down should carry to 594. Downside target over the next few weeks remains the 2 and 1/8 multiple of the 252 low which stands around the 535 level.

July Silver: The market is on its way to 1070. Resistance above the market is at 1145. The 935 level should be reached in a couple of months.

Google: Google is on its way to 410, the next upside resistance. Support now is at 380. I think Google will rally into the 450-500 range this summer.  

1 comment:

  1. goood morning carl,
    I like your approach,
    and speed you adapt to market.

    but to make a new high
    I am affraid we made
    toooo big damage, around the world,
    to rescue BULL.

    Can you, please,
    check out LINdsay stuf.
    I think, we are at 26
    going to 27 at the best

    Ingrid, Prague

    PRAGUE is down over 30percent
    from high... IT IS OVER
