Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Two year anniversary coming up

The two year anniversary of this blog is coming up at the end of April. Already I've archived more than 2000 posts on various market subjects. You can find a chronological listing of all my posts by clicking on the "topic" links on the right hand side of this blog.

I enjoy telling you what I think is ahead for the markets. And I hope that at least some of you find it helpful and even educational.

If you think my blog has helped you I'd appreciate a vote of confidence from you. I've installed PayPal and Amazon donation links on the right hand side of the blog. Just click on one of them and donate whatever you think appropriate.

Thanks !!!

Added Later: Thanks again to those of you who are choosing to contribute. If you prefer not to donate via PayPal or Amazon you may e-mail me at topos8@aol.com and we can work out some other arrangement.


  1. Finally! I've been wanting to thank you for quite some time but didn't know how - you didn't want to give me an address to send you a Christmas present! :)

    I will donate upon completion of my next profitable trade, and perhaps with each trade thereafter. Your insight is trading-gold to green trader like myself.

    Again, many thanks!

  2. Donation sent by paypal. Thank you very much for your help and insight. YOu have done a remarkable job.


  3. I'd like to make an above average contribution....as I am an avid reader. Trouble is, I don't know what "average" is in this specific case. Any advice?

    (note: I am not excusing myself from donating something in the meantime.....I just completed a $50 donation to Carl while I await some feedback from anyone as to whether that is "above average" or not.)

  4. I am new in this blog, find your comments very helpfull! you are doing a great job.

    I will be your client if I could!

    Takecare and many thanks.

  5. Carl,

    I truly appreciate your work. I look forward to your comments on a daily basis. Actually, I gained almost 20 SPX points today based on your analysis (deep in-the-money puts).

    Although all of my trades have not been profitable. I can say I have far more winners than losers--and that's what counts.

    Of course I like to say thank you by making a contribution but is there any other method besides PayPal? I had a horrible experience with PayPal in the past and promised to never use their service again. (i.e., the automatic withdrawal from hell)

    Please let me know if there is any other way to make a contribution (e.g., PO Box, etc).


  6. Thanks to those of you who are choosing to contribute to my site.

    If you prefer not to donate via PayPal or Amazon you can e-mail me at topos8@aol.com and we can work out some other arrangement.

  7. Carl,

    In the past few months you have begun to explain what you actually do. It's an elegant synthesis of Gann and Lindsey, tempered with good judgement, as I see it.

    I would recommend against going commercial. I've been there in the 1990's. You will no longer be your own master, and you will regret it even if you have dreams of becomimg a superstar and the incredible energy to do so.

    If you decide not to go completely commercial in the near future I will consider becoming a contributor.

    Best wishes and thanks,

    Dr Tom Drake
