Monday, July 16, 2007

Tale of the Tape


GOOG: Support is at 530. Next upside target is 583.

IBM: 112 is the next upside target.

GS: I think GS is about to move above 233 resistance and rally to 250. Support now is at 210.

CME: Support is at 535. I think the market will rally to 630 before the bull market ends.

MO: Support is at 68. Upside target is 75.


BIDU: No sign that the bull market is over. Support is 165. Next upside target is 230.

CSCO: Support is at 25. Next upside target is 33.

AAPL: Support is at 112. Upside target is 150.

MSFT: Support is at 26.50. Next upside target is 33.50.

ICE: Next upside target is 185. Meantime support is at 134.

NYX: It looks like NYX is headed for 90. From there it will drop below 70. I am abandoning my expectation for a new bull market high anytime this year.

NMX: I think the action in NMX bodes ill for crude oil prices and for the price of NMX itself. I think the recent high near 148 will hold and that the 100 level will be seen later this year.

PFE: Support is 25. Upside target is 30.

AMGN: Downside target is 50, resistance above the market is at 61.

SHLD: I think the bull market in SHLD is over. Resistance above the market is at 168. Next downside target is 145.

KFT: Support is at 30. Next upside target is 39.

AMZN: Resistance is at 76. Support is at 65.

EBAY: Support is at 30.00. Market should reach 43 in a few months.

WMT: Headed for strong resistance at 55. Support is at 48.


  1. Carl,

    Just a quick anecdote. I happened to glance at the MSN home page just now and there's a box labeled "MSN Money". In that box, there are five articles listed under the heading "Worry on Wall Street". Here are the titles of all five:

    "A crisis hits home"
    "Bad news for bonds"
    "Partying like it's 1929"
    "Want safety? Think Canada"
    "Learn: Market crash of 1929"

    I guess we're going to continue to climb the wall of worry. Sorry, didn't know how to get you a screen capture but maybe you can get one before they change it.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Carl
    Long term reader of your blog .
    Could you include NG (natural gas) in your study?

  3. how did you arrive at these numbers?

    What is your prediction accuracy?

    Stock prices depend on earnings. If BIDU misses, I am sure it can go lower than your support.

    In fact, I believe, your goog support is now resist.

    Predicting stock prices without looking at fundamentals seem to be prone to errors.
