Thursday, September 20, 2007

Tale of the Tape

The last tale can be found here.


GOOG: Support is at 525. Next upside target is 610.

IBM: A rally to 130 is underway.

GS: I think GS will rally to 250.

CME: I think the market will rally to 630 before the bull market ends.

MO: Support is at 65. Upside target is 75.


BIDU: No sign that the bull market is over. Support is 210. Next upside target is 325.

CSCO: Support is at 25. Next upside target is 40.

AAPL: Upside target is 190. Support is 115.

MSFT: Support is at 26.50. Next upside target is 33.50.

ICE: Next upside target is 190. Meantime support is at 124.

NYX: Support stands at 63. I think a rally to 90 is underway.

NMX: I think the action in NMX bodes ill for crude oil prices and for the price of NMX itself. Resistance is at 135 and the 100 level will be seen later this year.

PFE: Support is 22.50. Upside target is 30.

AMGN: A rally to 62 is likely but the bear market in AMGN is not over.

SHLD: Has reached support at 132. The next move should be upward to 155.

KFT: Support is at 30. Next upside target is 39.

AMZN: Upside target is now 105. Support is at 65.

EBAY: Support is at 30.00. Market should reach 50 in a few months.

WMT: Headed for 55. Support is at 42.50


  1. How you reconcile all these super bullish targets with a "substantial drop" in gold is beyond me.
    Told you once and telling you here once again: this is no bull market, its an inflationary market.
    Stocks and gold will go hand in hand until something in the financial system will break (then gold will go up alone).

    Bigger term you've always been correct in your stock market forecasts but you "gold correction" forecast never happened.
    Its IMPOSSIBLE to have a market rally and a gold drop.
    Live with that :)

  2. Hi Carl,
    Would it make sense to include VMW in your list? It appears the market has fallen in love with it. And maybe LVS as well - looks like a BIDU to me)!

  3. Your prediction is as good as flipping a coin. You've been calling for a gold and oil top for months. MONTHS!!!

    For crying out loud. This is an asset inflation rallying. Give it up.
