Thursday, December 06, 2007

E-mini update

I just sold my e-mini long position at 1493. The market is stalling near its previous top after two up days so I think another reaction of 20-30 points is likely, starting here or perhaps near my original 1503 target. In any case I shall be a buyer again on the next reaction.


  1. Great trade and good trade management Carl!


  2. Sorry Carl,
    My initial post was before the huge rally in the last couple of hours. I wasn't trying to be facetious or sarcastic. I think it was a great trade. Just goes to prove that nobody can really tell what the market will do with absolute precision. Although, buying into that 1463 low within 2 ticks of the bottom was pretty damn exact.

  3. Carl,

    A simple question,

    How can we trade e-mini, can we do it with Fidelity or need to open accounts with others?

    many thanks

  4. carl, does one trade cover the previous losses that mayve come from the other guesstimates? and do you double positions along the way to have sufficient for the next few bumpy trades?

  5. Hi Carl,

    I really appreciate your continuing to post your trades. I'm learning a lot from you, but now that you're posting your trades, it feels like that learning process is accelerating.

    It takes courage to do what you're doing, to post your trades in real time, thus subjecting yourself to ridicule from the bozos of the world when you don't get it right. What trader gets it right every time?? That doesn't seem to be even possible, and it's certainly not necessary in order to make money trading the markets. I'm glad you can usually just laugh off the criticisms, or better yet use them as a contrarian indicator as you've said.

    All the best to you and yours during this Holiday Season!


  6. I post my trades everyday at

    You'll see the most impressive info / data on the web with 24/7 service by the best trader on the web...


  7. with all do respect carl i have alittle critism . anonomous joe here who cant seem to spell .
    while today was a great day to be long i have to wonder why if your a longer term trader you over looked the market . what i mean is sometimes so long nothing days bring fear to those who are on the wrong side of the market . so they wait and wait and then little by little begin to cover and the the end of the day the market is at
    its high or low point for the day .
    it is hard to hang on days like that when you watching the screen
    in a short term scale . i have learned over the years that when the mkt does that the best thing to do is find a place to raise a stop to for the day and then turn off the computer and leave and in doing so letting the market decide . my best trades are from doing just that . some times we over analise and get a great entry only to let it go far to early by trying to get ahead of each shorter term movement .
    my critism is really nothing more then this .
    if your work tells you that the market should go to new all time highs and we are only into the 2nd day of a new reaction higher . then isnt getting out early somewhat of a mistake ????
    i only say this because ive done it myself many times and have learned to find my place of entry
    and my exit and i stick to it untill proven wrong .
    it makes for less work and leaves more room for profit as a position trade . some time i do both
    something is always a position
    then the other is a short term trade short term .
    most people catch about 50 percent of a move because they get in late , others get in early and exit early . not many get in early and exit late . but that is the stradegy that gives you most profit . others trade and get stopped out all the time and just keep banging there heads .
    to each there own i guess .

  8. good trades, congrats.

  9. I would appreciate your thoughts on EUR against CHF: I think there is a good sell here. Thanks, cheers
