Friday, May 02, 2008

Guesstimates on May 2, 8:15 am ET

Spiders - June S&P E-mini Futures: I am raising my e-mini stop to 1378. I shall take profits at 1433.

QQQ: I think the Q’s are about to move into the 50-51 zone.

TLT - June Bonds: I think the bonds are on the way down to 112. I think TLT will drop to 88.

June 10 Year Notes: I think the notes are on the way down to 112.

Euro-US Dollar: I still think the euro will move into the 161-162 zone, but I also think that the market is at strong, long term resistance and that the next big move will be downward to 140.

Dollar-Yen: The yen is headed for 112.00. Support is now at 101.15.

XLE - OIH - USO – June Crude: The 119.00 level is strong resistance and I think a drop to 106.00 or so is underway.

GLD - June Gold: The market should be headed for the 750-80 range. Resistance is still at 940.

SLV - July Silver: It looks like the silver is headed for 1550 or so.

Google: Google now has support at 510. I think a big move upward is underway. Next short term upside target is 610.


  1. Hi Carl:

    You're good! ... but why did you choose 1433? Could you please provide some insight as to this level? Maybe an example on a chart?

  2. We can feel the lingering effects of yesterday's Grand Earth Trine, stirred by Venus's entry into stable Taurus. But we also can sense a fresh blast of energy as the Moon forces her way into excitable Aries at 6:50 am EDT.

    Could this be the reason for y'day huge rally?

  3. Hello,

    I found it very interesting how you predicted 1410 and 1430 in SP500, when the market was only 1350 something. What theory are you using, how are you calculating the pricetargets?

    kind regards,

  4. Dear Carl, There are far too many negative people in this world. I want to congratulate you for sticking your neck out, posting a trade, updating that trade daily, posting your stop and your target and ofcourse winning in this trade. A big well done my friend. Keep it up. Regards, Khalsa

  5. Hello Carl,
    Great blogs. I think $610 for GOOG could be crossed on Monday. I am reffering latest MSFT-YHOO no deal.



  6. carl,

    write a book, I am fascinated with they way you call markets. I bet many people who are critics will buy your book
