Friday, September 12, 2008


The market has stalled for 30 minutes right at the day's earlier high so I just sold my 2 units long at 1253.  I think this market will start out higher on Monday.  I am expecting the chance to sell an early rally near or above the 1260 level. 


  1. Carl, you're an animal! Love the last few days of posts, great lesson for me.

  2. I appreciate you also share your day trading, as well as longer term, Carl

  3. Carl teaches yet another valuable lesson that many fail to grasp...when market conditions must your trading style. The increased volatility favors shorter term trades since there is no established trend at the moment. The current environment is known as range expansion and many people with long term views are being frustrated(both bull and bear). A good trader never marries a trade nor a trading style. The ability to adapt is what makes human traders still possible in today's world...look at the hedge funds that have imploded and you'll notice that they are primarily quant funds. Good job Carl and as always I enjoy reading your blog. BTW looks like the 30 yr bonds are setting up for a major tumble.

  4. Hi Carl,

    Did you notice how the declines in gold and the DOW from their all-time highs are strikingly similar in form, although much different in time? However, gold is out front with another leg down, breaking beneath the August interim low, while the DOW has yet to break its corresponding low (July's).

  5. Carl, as far as I know (although I've been an off and on reader) you haven't in the past posted so many trades. Is this how you usually trade and you haven't been posting all of your trades, or is this something new?

  6. carl
    we are now entering the cycle low period of sept 16 th next week
    being short the mkt will be more
    dificult as we enter this bullish cycle into early oct possibly oct 10 as the high date

  7. Spoos at 1220 on Lehman

  8. STOP TRADING! you will earn more!
