Monday, September 22, 2008


Well, it looks like we are going straight to 1200-10 without a rally first so I sold my 1 unit at 1219.50. 


  1. there were large volume & price spikes up in dec. bonds just before 3 pm but the prevDaylow price held afterward.


    sorry for caps . what im seeing is
    the price objectives are being hit
    yet the time componant is getting shorter and shorter . to add to this the shorts are out which leaves us with out a catylist going forward . i do agree that we should head higher but i have yet to take a firm stance just yet .
    early october is the next turn
    and while i faovr the market going higher into this day . im begining to consider that the cycles are changing . if early october becomes a low ( like a new lower low ) most likely this would bring in some oversold extremes . not something i favor but something im considering . presently my cycles are pointing higher into early ocober and have an 81 percent accuracy for the year so im not going to fight them yet i am also following some bearish cycles which also call for a reactioon high on oct 1 and then head lower
    at some point this cycle will need to change to give me more of a bullish bias . this happend back in 2006 which is why i bring it up today . the spx today has done nothing to prove my skeptism correct . yet anticipation of the markets direction is something i always pay attention to as seeing the market fail is in my opinion just as important as seeing it prove correct . and todays decline
    was just a few points ( 4 spx points ) out of what i was expecting .to add to this the bounce in gold satisfied price yet the seasonals are bullish in to january . crude oil price on this bounce was satisfied yet the timing componanat again is way to short . this leaves me somewhat mixed and also gives me the feeling that we are in for less and less volitility rather then more and more . lastly under elliott wave theory when you get to the point of recognition ( wave 3 of 3 ) the masses tend to be on the right side so the magazine covers become more and more a sign of conviction and less of a contrary indicator . i think for me im at the point of just keeping my eyes open to what ever the market brings . bullish or bearish
    im going to keep myself hedged untill thepicture proves itself .
    a rally tomorrow from the open to 1284 on the spx cash index would do alot to give me some confidance
    a failu to rally would leave me thinking the cycles have indeed changed and that leaves early october as well as mid october the key cycles going forward .
    good luck

  3. then, what's your analysis for? Tons of daytraders trade like this w/o so called "analysis".

  4. $700 Billion Dollar Bailout Good For Economy

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- It's the largest government bailout in U.S. history and two days after it was introduced to the Americans paying for it, the proposal is still largely a mystery.

    Among the unanswered questions: How will the government mop up the bad mortgage debt on banks' books, who will run the process and how much will it cost?

    Key elements of the plan remain in flux as behind closed doors Democrats demand modifications that would provide more help for ordinary Americans in return for bailing out the country's financial giants.

  5. using carl as a contrarian indicator would not be too bad for your account balance
