Monday, October 06, 2008

Out Again

I just sold my one long unit of e-minis at 1024. 


  1. Yes, Carl, keep on catching knife and keep on losing your shirt!


  2. Carl, why do you INSIST in being long?

    I thought the objective is to make money, long OR short, who cares which. Let the market tell you!

    Rick B.

  3. Carl, which market are you looking at to get these trades???

    Ever heard of CONFIRMATION ???

  4. carl, please stop and think....
    burn your newspaper's covers,
    and open 1 or 2 weekly charts....
    what are u doing... ???
    hysteric scalping/day trading
    for picking 1 ipotetic bottom...
    please be quiet...

  5. Patience my friends patience!

    I will be going long on DOW 9500 and SPX 1000 using SSO and DDM... IF QQQQ goes down to 30 will take position on QLD... These are the inverse etf shares, but be careful they at 2 times the indices, so if DOW gains 5% DDM will gain 10%, but also goes down 2 times!

    Thats all for today...


  6. I'm with you Carl. Defense wins the game, but things are looking bullish.

  7. Carl,we are nearing the weekly bounce line 1998-2001-2002 see :

  8. ROTFLMAO, We get your short term bottom tomorrow. LOL But it will be tested in a couple of weeks LOL. Bears made GOOD money in last year and we soon switch to BULL. We got no bias Carl. LOL. Boy you're tormenting your readers. LOL

  9. Here is my prediction... DOW will close above 10K by end of day!!!


  10. Carl - Thanks for your insights and willingness to put your trades out in the public eye.

    Whether or not you are right that we have a big run-up coming, I do like the fact that when you make a trade, you cut your losses quickly.

    You were just a little early in predicting the bounce today as the bounce happened from a slightly lower point.

    Thanks again for your insights.

    - J.R.

  11. As far as I can see Carl was
    1. 100% right in usd jpy including th target
    2. 100% right on eur usd.
    3. Wrong on spx.
    4. Right direction on gold, silver, oil for a long time.

    Well done.
    Best wishes Catherine

  12. For all you HATERS out here that tell me why dont I post anything... well look at an earlier post which I predicted we will close above 10K today and start the next BULL move!


