Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I just sold my one unit long at 1165.50.  The market has rallied back to nearly unchanged on the day after being down 25 points. When this happens the next development is generally a substantial reaction. I am still bullish but in a market like this I only try to hit singles, not home runs.


  1. Carl, please keep it up, I'm enjoying your blog immensely.

    Please entertain a simple question: what software and trading firm do you recommend for doing what you're doing?

  2. if you day trade, doesn't matter you are bear or bull.
    so, no necessary to post that bear letter.

  3. Right on Jeff!!

    You 'da man!

    I think Carl needed to justify somehow him calling a run to 1,500 ion the face of a nasty decline.

    Bruised ego's do strange things!

    Rick B.

  4. that's a homer in my book-thanks for continuing on with the blog in spite of the bashing...

  5. why not daytrade your way into a good medium term position you can hold for the move to 1700? IE: buy 2 units and sell out 1 on your day trade. next thing you know, you will have a sizable position with the backlog of daytrading profits to hold into the BIG move higher.

  6. Yea, thats a nice single, Carl.

    Solrac the bunter
    Peanut Gallery
    (long some spy calls)

  7. Oh, by the way, is this what you want to spend your taxpayer money? 700B to bail out foreign investors?
