Thursday, October 02, 2008


I just got out at 1121.75 after the market gave up most of the 10 point rally from 1119.50.  


  1. cspan is showing the republican house members bad mouth the senate bill.


    PS Pelosi is from my district....i might send her another love note like i usually do. (not)

  2. vix plus vxo looking like it wants to make new all time highs yet
    this is only a sign that everyone is bearish . most likely congress
    will pass bail out bill and market will rally strong . yet 10 trin
    not oversold on closing basis yet
    and cycles are bearish into oct 14 17th . looks like typical sell
    roshhaanah buy yom kippur which means no buy till next week .
    qqqq trying to break long term trend line ( based on ndx )
    if congress fails to act then this will get ugleeeeeeeeY staying hedged with shorts for now and going to let the market sort this out .

  3. Personally, I think this down, doom and gloom, the world is ending market is getting a little long in the tooth. Kind regards, Janet

  4. CARL, love your sentiment indicators since last summer.Your my contrary bitch indicator. Keep it up...

  5. Tell me something. Are your page view counts down? I have been reading you for about a month and so far you are the best reverse barometer I have found.


  6. Carl,

    So far the Fibs have been great predictors of the retracements. So I think there's a good chance we'll get a bottom of some sort at 1082 (777+ (.382*788) = 1078).

  7. Carl,

    with all the respect you deserve, you really needs to take a break.

    The activity on your blog could be the cause, but you really getting too emotional demonstrated by your last trading activities... (didn't you used to be a swing trader ?)

    You are a really gifted trader, but everyone could have a break down...

    Take a breath,

    Good luck and get back stronger

  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of public blogging. Carl seems to be enjoying a good flogging from his trading pals....

  9. Come on guys...

    Euribor 1 year is at 5.526%...I have nevet seen this before!
    You won't have any kind of bull market until things getting normal on interbank rates...

    And if these craps continue, (those rates don't come down), you'll see another huge problem in the credit card area...Those debts have been "enhanced, structured, whatever the term...the same way as were the mortgages...) ...Do you realize the problems...

    Well you should only watch the behaviour of those rates...this is not normal markets...

    good luck

  10. Personally, I'm a little worried that the bears' systemic wet dream is finally coming true, but then I see all the taunting going on here and I have to wonder if it isn't all a little overblown. Hope you're right, Carl - for the sake of our economic future.

  11. From the words of Brian Shannon

    It is okay to want the market go turn around, but to act on hope in the face of declining prices does not make sense. Maybe this will happen or maybe that will happen which will motivate a turn in prices, but you are better waiting for confirmation of a turn before getting involved. An objective look at price action tells us that the trend continues lower. Risk Management is ALWAYS job #1 and the lack of risk management by "smart money" is what got us into this mess.

    Words of wisdom that will save a trader much money. Buy strength...sell weakness. The trend is your friend and don't catch falling knives. The only real fear that I have been seeing for the better part of this year is the fear that many believe they will miss the big turn around. The most amazing thing is that there is still debate about if we are in a recession or not.

  12. So many people complain but I'm making good money short gold because of Carl's opinion. Thanks Carl.


  13. Here's the #1 reason why I'm personally against the bailout...

    "It's not based on any particular data point ... We just wanted to choose a really large number.'
    --U.S. Treasury spokeswoman when asked why $700 billion was used as the bailout number.

    Hard to fix a problem when you aren't willing to address the cause.

  14. The bear trade is becoming quite crowded. The risk is to the upside, since a deplorable jobs report and a failed House vote seems 90% priced in. It's hard to go long, but the correct position generally makes one naseous. I'm quite naseous.

  15. Hi Carl
    Some of the comments on your blog are
    detract from the blog as they add no trading value and absolutely no insight and take time to read.
    sexist (one especially above)
    Why do you publish these pls?
    Best wishes Catherine
