Friday, October 03, 2008


I just sold my two long units at 1144.  The market has reacted from the 1161 level more than at any time today. 


  1. You are a SUCKER for thinking the market will moon shot even if the House OK's the bill... This market is DONE, OVER, END!!!

    Im laughing at you everyday with your Bullish Predictions and copys of the covers of magazines and how we will see a Bull Market!!! LOL

    You have NO CLUE and its amazing that you still post ur BS on this site about we will rocket launch to 1600 and above!!!

    The country is in a RECESSION and people are ready to commit suicide not buy stocks!



  2. Carl,
    Do you think the Republicans rescusitated themselves today? Do you think this bill will stave off a deep recession?

  3. Hi Carl,

    extrader's comment is hilarious even if he does resort to name calling and other abusive language. Do you think he's just trying to be funny, or is the guy serious? I mean, the name extrader is a bit of a joke in itself, right? Like he couldn't make any money trading, so now he just attacks someone's blog. Maybe too obvious, eh?

    Anyway, nice call on the short trade this morning. Have a great weekend, Carl, and everyone else who reads this blog.


  4. Carl--you may not always nail the exact market direction but you sure have the herd behavior of the comments down cold. Market rallies this morning, comments are dead quiet. Market declines and 'this market is DONE, OVER, END!' Amazing--and sad at the same time.

  5. Good trade, Carl.

    I enjoy the frequent updates. At a minimum it causes me to reexamine my market bias.

  6. Carl, my brother was a well respected Hurst analysis technician who went by the handle airedale88. He past away suddenly in March but not without telling me to follow you. In his words, "this guy is pretty good". Thanks for your help. Can you tell me views on trading the YM futures.. thanks aire88bro
