Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I just bought one unit of the e-minis at 856.50.  I think the market will stay above 849 if indeed it is going higher. 

Added later: thanks to all who pointed out the erroneous handle of 9 when it should have been 8!


  1. good luck, Carl.

    (change the 956.50 and 949 in your post to 856.60 and 849. 8-)

  2. One day it is going down, next day it is going up! Why even bother? What service do you provide? It is as good as flipping a coin! At least other bloggers have a method to their madness! Get real and quit getting whipsawed!

  3. Carl you made a typo should be bought at 856 instead of 956

  4. Carl,

    I am a novice. What is the symbol for the e-minis?

  5. Carl,
    i hope you didnt buy 100ES pts above the marke since you said 956. just kidding. i know it was a typo.

    can you go into long term views on this market when you get a chance? thanks

  6. Simple rules

    and strategies, now revisited...
    New traders frequently minimize the importance of simple rules in favor of more complex ones. In his video Barry Haigh tels about the rules that enabled him to earn as much as a million dollars a year in the spoos pit. What was Barry's simple rules?

    In a bullmarket, when the open is steady to lower, you have to buy S&P futures contracts and hold on for the inevitable rally! simple huh?!.... Now do the reverse, sell ES emini futures on these upmoves,lol.


  7. Carl,

    I don't trust this market, I think we are heading lower! No follow through from last weeks big day and time is running out for the bulls...

    I will wait and see what happens in the final hour, as lately it seems to be where all the action happens.


  8. Rob you made the smartest comment ever. Share more wisdom pls
