Thursday, November 20, 2008

On the Front Page

Here is an image of the front page of today's New York Times. The last time the stock market was the subject of a bearish headline in the Times was October 10, 2008. During the following two trading days the S&P rallied more than 200 points. 


  1. Here we go again with the newspaper clippings... Carl, you already tried this before and we just keep dropping!

  2. carl,

    in ur blog u write and say that u love patterns. what are the patterns telling u today?

    u should also write in ur blog that u love newspapers!

    for a guy that has studied the markets all ur life, u have not made one right call, day after day ur estimates keep higher while the market drops!

    i dont know if ur a bigger fool than cramer

  3. HOGWASH Carl ... have you stepped outside of your bubble yet?

    Do you even know what is going on in the US economy? NOTHING ... we are shrinking faster than your willy in cold water!

  4. Carl ... it's OK to be bearish!

    Trade what the market gives you, not what you want!

    You will still be a GREAT AMERICAN by riding the market down.

  5. Thanks for bringing that headline to our attention, Carl. And thanks for your continued info.

    Emotions are high (as we can see!). And -- stocks are way oversold. We may well see continued downside pressure in the intermediate-term (and very short-term). It's hard to pick an exact bottom -- but these are all signs...

    With emotions/etc. at such extremes -- we will see sharp moves. There COULD be sharp moves to the upside -- at any time.

  6. I am so glad this is happening to our country!

    We deserve this for all the debt we continue to spend and spend... Look at our fearless leaders, they continue to spend billions of dollars in Iraq, but yet question the Automakers about bailing them out...

    Im a young buck and hope to see this country go under, because we are a freedom country, but yet Paulson and Bernake only care to bailout there buddies!

    Those two are clowns and have no clue on how to fix this problem and I hope things get really bad, just to flush the system clean!

  7. these comments would be hilarious if they weren't so abusive. What is with people? Why can't they disagree with someone without resorting to name calling? Anyone who has a Ph.D. in Math Economics is obviously not an idiot and calling him one just indicates the level of your own intelligence and lack of emotional maturity.

    Carl, with the ugliness of the comments reaching a crescendo here, I'd say we're near a bottom, eh? Maybe not THE bottom, but some kind of intermediate term bottom.

  8. Cramer is was a great trader. He is in the show business now. Different ball game. If he made his living through trading he would still be one of the best.

  9. Carl

    Thank you for the call on the support levels over the last week of 775 & 785; they have been meaningful when few others make such a call.

    Headline news is is useful for calling tops/bottoms as you and Ned Davis types read into the mass psych. Yet markets remain volitile as the composition of traders have changed. I see fewer mutual funds/any fund type investing and increasing cash holdings,leaving the sclaper types to run amok and help create those headlines.
    Am I wrong to think this way?


  10. I am long spx, crude oil and eur jpy.

  11. Carl .... I think you and I are the last 2 BULLS alive here on the web.


  12. some people have a bad habit to run their tongue faster than their brain. The markets are an effect of crowd psychology for the most of investors. And now, guess what ? what is the biggest mass psychology MOVER ? The media. The two things (Markets+Media) are interrelated. Carl gives you the hint, but do you drive blindly if someone tells you there is a straight road in front of you ? I think we have bottomed out for the year and we are ready for a major bear market rally from tomorrow or next week onwards. Good trading all ! MC

  13. Engineers and phd types make the worst traders.

  14. Actually, the worst traders are those who make anonymous, critical comments on the blogs of people who have forgotten more about the markets than these anonymous critics will ever know.
