Friday, February 27, 2009

Covered at 747.50


  1. Market has taken a ton of bad news today (Citi, GPD, GE cutting its dividend) and is rallying. This has to be good news for the bulls and I think 760-762 is quite possible this afternoon.

  2. the only question that matters is wether the dow will be able to close above its 2002 low today...there will be a fight for it...

    In any case, i didn't get your trade this time, Carl...

    As the first question is not answered, your bets is still not proven wrong, a stop above 752.5 would have been a good way to stay in...

  3. Carl, my man, I have a question for you. When you take a position, what causes you to stop out? And, do you give your position some period of time to develop.........and if it doesn't you close it?

  4. Carl's trade made sense. Sell at a high point of the day and stay short until they prove you wrong with heavy volume.

    Market could still crash today.

  5. Anonymous, volume can be very usefull...but on 14h03...Marketdelta shows that most of it was on the sell side...I also use a volume based charts on esignal that can give precision of those heavy volume...the opposite happened at 13h33...

  6. Carl,
    it's been a "tricky" day... Thank you for the week! Have a nice weekend, Val

  7. Hi Carl,

    I closed out my longs on the close at 734.00 for a two point profit, remember I bought this morning at 732.00.


    Kindest regards,


  8. Market will be up, recent low is another leg. With two legs market can stand up.
