Thursday, March 26, 2009


People wonder why I don't respond to reasonable questions posed by commenters. The answer is simple. I don't have the time or mental energy to do so. Trading, posting and running the rest of my life takes all my attention.

After much trial and error I think I have found a blog format that I can maintain indefinitely, without suffering the "burnout" that affects so many other bloggers. But doing this requires that I conserve my energy and don't burn it up in idle conversation.

I am a great believer in simplicity, both in trading methods and in life. Applying the simplicity principle to this blog I find that posting my thoughts as I trade works best. In this way the blog does not demand much extra mental energy from me. So while many of you pose interesting questions, I simply don't have the energy and time to answer them. Sorry.


  1. Carl,
    I've learned more in the last two months reading your blog than I have in the last two years trying to teach myself. I have to give thanks to the late Airedale88 for referring this blog to me. Keep up the good work.....very very interesting.

  2. Should I buy or sell now?
    Just kidding.

    Thanks for your blog.
    I enjoy reading it immensely.


  3. Carl, yours is the attitude of a yogi--- simple, clean, walking the sword's edge. Keep up!!

  4. Carl,

    Actually you just answered in your last post the only question i ever asked you...Thanks for that.

  5. Carl thanks for your effort and I am sorry I said bad things to you before, every time I disagree with you.

  6. Carl,

    I propose a very simple solution to the issue raised here. Computer programming / linux sites have been doing it for years. Accumulate a list of questions. Weed out the duplicates or really stupid ones, categorize and answer the rest. Put it into a Frequently Asked questions format with a table of contents as the first page.

    You'll never answer the same question twice and you can even confine the
    FAQ to really interesting questions. Heck, you could even have people volunteer to answer and click OK on the submission.


