Friday, March 06, 2009

Out of the WoodWork

I am constantly amazed by the trolls, wackos, and assorted riff-raff who crawl out of the woodwork and try to post comments on this blog. Generally I delete these comments unless they give me a chance to make a point.

I just deleted an anonymous comment from someone who said "your trading record is no big deal - I made 2800 S&P points trading this past year". Well, first let me say that this commenter omitted an important piece of information - 2800 points on how many contracts per trade? - 1 , 10 , 100, 1000? I sincerely doubt the answer is 1. If it is 10, then he is not doing as well as I have done over the past year. In any case I don't really care how good other traders may be - I am only interested in my own performance.

Of course, I don't think our anonymous commenter is even a trader. He is just a talker. This sort of braggart is someone who needs attention and tries to get it by diminishing other people. So sad.


  1. Trolls, wackos, and riff-raff will always be there Carl. Most of us here really appreciate your taking the time to post but even more appreciated is your teaching.


  2. Amen. I really appreciate all of your effort and insight!

  3. I appreciate all the effort and posts you put here as well even though I'm more of a swing trader and follow elliottwave analysis. I like your input as far as your projected highs and lows for the day. I'm expecting a major bottom to show up here soon within 2 weeks and then a multi-week rally.

  4. Agree. I have pointed my son who is a young, novice, trader to your site. We both respect your analysis, and the accountability that you hold yourself to by the act of your posting. The discipline that it takes to do this along with your trading is admirable, and appreciated. Thank you for all of your efforts.

  5. Are we at the bottom of the day's range now? 668 is pretty close to 665 and it is now 3pm do we rally or crash?

  6. Carl,

    I have learned a lot from your site and appreciate all your efforts to educate us. I think that your track record speaks for itself and imagine that you are at least better than 95% of all active traders. Thank you.


  7. Carl
    Your time ,effort, experience, acumen, courage to post are very appreciated. Thanks for posting the good with the bad posts. This Is Life and this is what draws us to trading. The life we chose as a major part of our day. Life is and trading is, not like a Movie Flick. Its Real, and you keep the day Real. I enjoy every day u blog.

    XYZ Trader

  8. Thanks Carl I really like your site

  9. I find your analytical technique very informative and I appreciate your willingness to share.

    It's a challenging market and anybody willing to post both their trading methods and their results should be commended. Nice work Carl and nice profits too!


    (and ignore the wackos)

  10. I think your short intra-day posts are awesome!

  11. Carl,

    Please ignore the idiots.

    I love your site especially since you have added more graphs. The insight you provide is a great help to many.

    People do not get that you do not have to a perfect batting average to be great at this, so they just don't understand what is going on.

  12. As a beginner trader I find your posts excellent and worth reading!
