Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Trades and Time Stamps

I always try to post my trades on this blog as soon as I see a fill. Because it takes time to type and post this usually means that there is a little bit of delay, usually less than 3 minutes, between the time I actually am filled and the time the trade gets posted on this blog.

You can always check the amount of the delay yourself by comparing the time stamp on my post and the price I report to you against time and sales reported on the Globex - or, even easier, just take a look at a one minute bar chart of the e-minis.

You may wonder why I don't tell you in advance where I put my entry orders. One reason is that I don't care to paint a target on my back for other traders to shoot at. More importantly, the market is always generating information as it moves. Therefore I don't generally key on a price level as such, but instead on the market's action as it approaches a price level. This would be far too complicated to explain in advance since there are so many possibilities to cover.


  1. Very Nice analysis Carl. If indeed this the *the* bottom for a good period of time to come or even a big false hope rally (the major rally in last 9 months you've been pointing to), wouldnt the market pierce through resistance at 740, 770 etc with minor reactions (<30pts) in between to get everybody wrong footed? I see 815 as the best resistance which can create 50pts+ reaction. Would like to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

  2. Understood and Thanks for the "heads up"!!!!


  3. If you wanted to issue comments more quickly, then you could try twitter. However, you wouldn't be able to include your range charts, which I find to be very helpful. A few minute delay isn't a big deal to me. I'd be happy if you didn't post your trades at all, but just your observation information. However, thanks for sharing as you do.

  4. I am a beginner - Looking at the blog and am very impressed. Could you please tell me - which system/trade station do you use for trading.
    Thanks - ravi

  5. carl, I check your blog throughout the day... I almost always "sense" when you are going to get involved or stop yourself out. as to when you take profits.... You still surprise me with many of your exits on the winning trades. I often make the mistake of letting a winner evaporate. maybe that's why you seem to have a better trading record than me.
