Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Wave Chart at 3:30 pm

Here is the wave chart of today's e-mini day session. I was long from the first horizontal red arrow and I sold my long position at the second horizontal red arrow. Why? The market had rallied close to my range estimate for today (top of blue rectangle). Moreover, I saw what looked like a small volume climax bar (first pair of vertical red arrows). Then on the very next bar the market moved a bit higher on visibly lower volume. Such action coming near estimated resistance was a clue that the move upward was over temporarily at least.

I still think this market has some upside potential. But if it is going above today's high tomorrow I think midpoint support near 710 (purple dotted line) will hold in the meantime.


  1. Near perfect call - nice job!

  2. Carl,
    great day and also a nice trade! Thank you for the explanations.Greetings from Gremany, Val
