Thursday, April 02, 2009

Revised Range Estimate

Here is a five minute bar chart of today's e-mini day session. I am revising my range estimate for today by bringing up the estimated low 10 points to 820 (blue rectangle). A reaction from today's high which matches the depth of yesterday's late reaction would take the e- minis down to 821 (dotted purple rectangle). If the 840 level is going to be reached today, I think the market could react a little more than this, but should not go lower than 816 - 10 points below the open (dashed red line).


  1. password needed for chart list

  2. shorting...or wait and see for a new price range?

    Hard to imagine how the G20 and market to market news will play out by week's end, I'd expect some slippage, since this seems to be a "wall of worry" scenario.

  3. Hi Carl,

    Would you please share with us the program/site you use to generate these charts? It would be very much appreciated.


  4. Dude dont short on things like these. The banks will have a earnings pop of 20% apparently. I absolutely hate it, as they claim the model is wrong , the cashflows are inherently not that risky..the default probabilities is to blaim. Then why dont they fix the model. Its all a big b.s, the value may be in the eye of the beholder. Also they can fix the problem of banks lending but who is to borrow? By making money real cheap they will create the next round of losers..the one just above sub prime..and as they say the show will go on

  5. I've gone short. Seems to be an absense of sellers that's driving the market as opposed to buying pressure. Plus, we're pretty much at resistance.

  6. Dear 12:15 pm:

    Most of the charts you see are generated by Interactive Brokers Traders Workstation application. The chart markings come from a standard screen capture program.

  7. Something to keep in mind, there are huge numbers being traded in SPY Puts today.

    A lot of Puts traded already today, now maybe some are exiting to avoid further erosion but some have to be bets on down and if not hedges to prevent losses on future drops.

    These are SPY options all Puts
    June 72 28,629
    May 80 16,045
    May 79 3,598
    May 78 5,432
    May 77 4,061
    May 75 6,256
    May 70 2,726
    Apr 85 14,289
    Apr 84 20,851
    Apr 83 28,258
    Apr 82 26,766
    Apr 81 41,172
    Apr 80 68,574
    Apr 79 30,963
    Apr 78 27,332
    Apr 77 15,410
    Apr 75 15,258

  8. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I really appreciate it. You are truly great at what you do.
