When I set up my new blog, "The Art of Contrarian Trading", I carelessly misspelled the URL. As a result an alert fraudster setup another blog on blogspot with the title of my book spelled correctly. Consequently I have changed the URL for the genuine blog to
I am sure the fraudster has violated my copyright. He will suffer the consequences.
Update: The anonymous fraudster has deleted the offending blog from Blogspot.
ReplyDeleteYou should setup a link on EBAY to expose your BLOG to worldwide readers/ traffic. You could post your trading discipline for sale (at nominal price) with reference to your BLOG. The sale price is inconsequential as you are simply desirous of obtaining readers thru the EBAY advertisement with perhaps the by product of a donation, book sale or increased twitter traffic. The bottom line though is that it is a terrific means of obtaining high volume traffic at extremely low advertising cost. For example: You could probably set the whole thing up for recurring monthly nominal advertising fee of less than $ could easily obtain hundreds or more readers!