Thursday, June 25, 2009

Guesstimates on June 25, 2009


I had serious computer problems last night from which I am in the process of recovering. So today's guesstimate will only cover the e-minis:

I think today's day session range will be 880-895. I am still expecting a drop to 870 which should be followed by a rally into the 965-80 range.


  1. Here's wishing a prompt computer recovery. That stuff's always frustrating. I feel like I'm missing one of my eyes w/out being able to read all your info.!

  2. What do you think Carl about today's action?

  3. hey carl
    would this be 2 back to back
    Emily Litella moments ???
    good luck getting your computer back up and i hope you see the humour in my note .
    just kidden around .

  4. Mr. Futia,
    Congratulations on your book, I have ordered one and I am sure it will be a huge success.
    Best Regards,

  5. 'Get well soon' to your computer, Carl.

    I got fed up and got an Intel-based Mac. Installed Windows on it which I can use for financial software only, no virus trouble. Everything else is on the Mac OS, which is so amazing trouble-free and simple compared to the ol' PC. Amazing display, too.

    That, Mr. Softee, is why Macs are worth the money. You can't put a price on stress, wasted time, and fairly regular frustration....
