Thursday, May 06, 2010

sold long unitat 1129.50


  1. Me thinks a supply shock has hit...

    Bulls have to remember the banks balance sheets are just a veneer of reality. If assets get hit, they are in deep, deep trouble, while governments have no bullets left.

  2. carl meets his comeuppance..damn i was w/ him

  3. Looks like we're going to get that 10-20% correction I've been talking about.

    Also looks like gold is holding up well, although silver has been tad bit vulnerable. When this is over, I will take that as a buying opportunity for both.

    This could last for few weeks.

  4. Carl,
    What makes you stop to keep profit??
    1148.75--1156,beautiful.keeping longs
    in this turmoil situation,especially every indicator going negative makes no sense.Made alot of money by learning from you.See what I did in FutTrader on twitter.Your losses make me sad,may be you are my ideal teacher.I am just sad,Sir.

  5. All of the correction in one day?? Who will go long in this market again?

  6. we have had a yr of pretty much straight had to figure the correction was going to be severe. This could last a while

  7. wow! what the heck was that? Carl, you were wise to get out when you did, just before the bottom fell out.

  8. I wish i could say today's 1000 point drop in the Dow was like 1987.. but unfortunately today's drop was only 9% vs. 1987 was more than twice as big for the one day extreme.

  9. What a gambling casino!

    Go long, go short, you will certainly be crucified!

  10. oh man, there has to be some clues in this mess: Carl-if you do an update please TWEET it!

