Tuesday, May 18, 2010

sold one unit at 1131.00


  1. Carl, you are a great guy. Admitting and correcting your "mistake" in front of the whole world makes you greater. I salute you!

  2. Buying at 1130 to 1140 ES is not a mistake. Most indicators ($NYHL, VXX, RSI, 50 day MA) are very similiar to Feb when the last rally started. Market is oversold and ready for a rally. On the 30 minute ES chart the slow stochastics is now crossing at 20, another buy signal.

  3. i think it was a bad trade on carls' part..he should have added to his position//

  4. Andi,

    Surely you're kidding, right?

    Averaging down can be a losers game

  5. Carl bailing at a loss when he did isn't looking so bad now, is it? If Carl was a newbie, he would still be averaging down.
