Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sold long at 1099.75


  1. Yesterday in the AH I went long and bailed out this morning near the top of your range. Worked well, thanks.

  2. SP500 could break to highs of the year if it can burst up through cluster of resistance (200- day moving average of 1,114.12, its 100-day moving average of 1,128.34, its previous high of 1,131.23 reached June 21 and finally above a key Fibonacci resistance level of 1,140) – Bloomberg
    Your predictions benefit us all,but you trade on most difficult times.
    it was YOU to make us go long @1060 then why ...
    So Sorry!
    Stay Safe,Sir!

  3. Looks like this market is not ready to move higher and prolly is waiting for tomorrow news... well, i got killed this morning with my long position... it was ugly!

    Guess they fooled me today!


  4. Mkt appears range bound for the next few sessions until the dollar can muster a rally. SPY support @ 106.6 should hold and July 1 rally can resume with upper target of SPY 1155.22 on 27 August.

  5. commented on Carl's realtime time to trade is at the end of day where one can post 100% winners...(wink)

  6. rouguewave, liked it:)
    Now i have bot @1090.25 right now since
    morning,I was flat as yasterday's longs
    didn't let me sleep till 2.40am.
    first day away from tweetdeck,is surprisingly more productive and helps to focus and decide on your own.
