I think the market has begun to stabilize after the big drop from yesterday's close. The S&P's and the Spiders both broke below the 1500 and 149.00 targets but I still think a substantial rally lies dead ahead.
However, the market is extremely oversold as measured by my 10 and 20 day moving averages of the daily advancing issues number. Generally significant lows in the averages occur several days after the low in these oscillators. So at the moment I shall look for a rally in the futures to 1521 and in the Spiders to 151.20. After this rally I think it likely that the futures will againb drop significantly, this time down to 1470 and the Spiders to 146.00 or so before a move to new bull market highs can begin.
Are you SURE the domed house peak is not in yet?
Given the blow-off we just saw, I'm thinking this will be it and we won't be going all the way down to 1470. Too many people will be looking for it after last march.
Thanks for sharing all your thoughts.
1470 just got hit!
shingles coming off the dome house. subprime woes just beginning.
Dang. Well, what do I know. What a drop!
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