Here are some more front page and cover stories designed to make you feel good about being invested in the stock market- not! I think that the Economist's choice of the word "chaos" and Business Week's color scheme of red and black (the colors of panic) together with the image of a serpent speak volumes about the public mood. The US stock market will move much higher over the next six months.
you are funny it is like going to a comedy show. Some great laughs as you switch on your GOOG call lower and lower you keep saying new highs but pretty soon it will be 52 week lows.Oil you say 136 it drops and you say it will drop and now rising again when you going to switch on that one when it break 150 when A hurricane pulverizes the coast. Even funnier is your call for new market highs still as the markets drop and you have been for months taking pictures of magazines of bearish covers. Could it be they are telling what is happening and you are living in a no it cannot be happening world. Keep telling everyone to go long so they will be out on the streets homeless like everyone else. Just wait till the negativity spreads to the likes of FSLR this market will tank for sure.
i remember 74,82,87,98,02and the reactions of those around me... though the press may be at the extreme, the emotions of the traders around me are not. i am glad i do not have to forcast but rather just go about the business of trading my tools... but again, strictly based on the tools, the chart of GS contains in its geometry the potential of a 50 point break. a sharp rally and close above 185will negate pattern..
Yes, it will move higher, don't know about 6 month, but not with a much lower to come before the next move higher... still think this is the low huh... you will be proven wrong again... Look at what's the indicies doing, ndx will way underperform other indicies so to bring all indicies in sync before the next knife down... All big tech earning at so far a sell... so there goes ndx tomorrow... and if maybe WB will be ok and make spx go flat... so one by one, they will be chop down... $SPX will go below 1200 for sure...
Futures have their lips kissing the asphalt for tomorrow...back down into the 10's on the Dow we go. So much for the rally..Kind regards, Janet
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