Here is a five minute bar chart of today's e-mini day session. I have slightly revised my range estimate for today to 892-910 (blue rectangle). If this market is going to get close to 910 today I think it will hold midpoint support at the dotted purple line. If this support fails then I would expect a drop to 890-92 followed by a rally to 900. But in this latter case I think we would then have already seen the high for today.
Carl, i compared this year vix and sp500 chart with previous years charts. The 2003 is very similar to 2009 both for the spx and the vix index. I expect a bullish 2009 and i agree with you that this rally could extend to september, after it maybe 1 or 2 months of weakness and a bullish december.
Are you getting concerned over that econ and consumer debt getting worse that we may have reached an intermediate top in the market?
Or, as your book suggests: Climb the Wall of worry... the contrarian view?
"Climb the wall of worry"! Does it not apply to a bull market?
We have been in bear market. The rally up from March 9 is corrective bear market rally and not a bull market rally. Here, watching out for a "Fall with the waterfall" may be more relevant!
Dear Kishore,
Kindly provide some logical basis for your "prediction," thanks.
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