George Lindsay was a Forecasting Giant of the Past.
In 2011 Ed Carlson published an excellent book on Lindsay's methods, including an extensive discussion of the famous "three peaks and a domed house" formation. You can purchase a copy on Amazon here.
Here is an index of posts in which I use his methods.
2015 POSTS
Stock market update - and Lindsay update - December 23
Stock market update and some Lindsay comments - December 7
Blue skying with George Lindsay - October 28
Lindsay Redux - July 16
George Lindsay versus the Central Banks - July 2
Lindsay update - May 20
Lindsay update - February 5
2014 POSTS
Linday Update - June 25
Stock market and Lindsay update - May 29
2013 POSTS
Danger - October 9
Carlson on Lindsay - August 7
Lindsay - March 28
Lindsay says down then up - March 6
Top imminent? - February 13
Headed higher - January 24
Update - January 3
2012 POSTS
Three peaks and a domed house - November 15
Domed house update - October 25
Point 25 ??? - October 18
Top of domed house - October 11
Domed house update - September 27
Lindsay update - August 15
Three peaks domed house update - July 11
Domed House Update - May 16
Three peaks and a domed house - April 25
Lindsay Update - January 19
2011 POSTS
Lindsay Update - August 18
Domed House Redux - July 13
Lindsay's Domed House(s) - June 23
Domed House Update - April 19
Domed House Update - March 1
2010 POSTS
Three Peaks and a Domed House redux - October 14
Three Peaks and a Domed House - August 3
2008 POSTS
Lindsay Update - April 26
Three Peaks and a Domed House Revisited - January 3
2007 POSTS
Three Peaks and a Domed House - November 5
Mini Three Peaks and a Domed House - September 18
Three Peaks and a Domed House - September 6
Major, Minor, Mini Three Peaks and Domed Houses - July 30
Domed House Update - July 12
Domed House in the Dow - June 29
Domed House in the Dow - June 8
S&P's, Spiders, and QQQQ's - June 7
How Much Farther - May 16
Dow Domed House - April 30
Domed House Update - April 4
A Minor Three Peaks in the Dow - March 1
Domed House Update - February 28
Domed House in the Dow - February 27
Domed House Update - February 23
Domed House Update - January 25
2006 POSTS
Dow Industrials Domed House - December 27
Domed House in the Nasdaq 100 - December 26
How to Traded Your Forecasts - December 3
Domed House Update - December 1
Domed House Update - November 27
Mr. Lindsay Meets Mr. Elliott - November 26
Three Peaks and a Domed House - November 11
Lindsay's Theory of the Middle Section - October 8
Mirror Image Projections - October 8
Basic Advances and Declines - October 8
Three Peaks and a Domed House Update - September 25
Dow Three Peaks and a Domed House - August 25
Domed House Update - July 24
Three Peaks and a Domed House - June 30
Dow Industrials 3 Peaks and a Domed House - May 30
3 Peaks and a Domed House Update - May 24
Domed House Update - April 18
Update on Top-to-Top Counts - April 3
Some Low-Low-High Counts - April 3
Basic Advances and Declines - March 27
Domed House Update - March 20
Lindsay Low-Low-High Counts - February 16
Domed House Update - February 16
Domed House Update - February 8
Another Top-to-Count - January 27
2006 Bond Market Forecast - January 22
Linday's Domed House in the S&P - January 21
More Top-to-Top Counts - January 4
2005 POSTS
2006 Stock Market Forecast - December 23
Lindsay Foldback for S&P - December 6
Update for Lindsay's Basic Advances and Declines in the Dow - November 2
Three Peaks and a Domed House - October 31
Lindsay Looks at the Dow - October 7
Top to Top Counts - October 4
Three Peaks and Domed House Update - September 21
Three Peaks and a Domed House - July 31
Schematic of Three Peaks and a Domed House - May 16
Three Peaks and a Domed House in the Dow - May 16
Mirror Images of the US Dollar - May 14
Weekly Foldback for Bonds - May 6
Linday's Foldback Charts - May 4
2005 Bond Market Forecast
2005 Stock Market Forecast
2004 Stock Market Forecast
2003 Stock Market Forecast
Carl, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about George Lindsay. In addition to the time based techniques (Middle Section, Top Counts etc.), are there any price-based techniques that Lindsay used to arrive at target prices for highs/lows?