Monday, June 22, 2015

George Lindsay Posts

George Lindsay was a Forecasting Giant of the Past.

In 2011 Ed Carlson published an excellent book on Lindsay's methods, including an extensive discussion of the famous "three peaks and a domed house" formation. You can purchase a copy on Amazon here

Here is an index of posts in which I use his methods.

2015 POSTS

Stock market update - and Lindsay update - December 23
Stock market update and some Lindsay comments - December 7
Blue skying with George Lindsay - October 28
Lindsay Redux  - July 16
George Lindsay versus the Central Banks  - July 2
Lindsay update - May 20
Lindsay update - February 5

2014 POSTS

Linday Update - June 25
Stock market and Lindsay update - May 29

2013 POSTS

Danger - October 9
Carlson on Lindsay - August 7
Lindsay - March 28
Lindsay says down then up - March 6
Top imminent? - February 13
Headed higher - January 24
Update - January 3

2012 POSTS

Three peaks and a domed house - November 15
Domed house update - October 25
Point 25 ??? - October 18
Top of domed house - October 11
Domed house update - September 27
Lindsay update - August 15
Three peaks domed house update - July 11
Domed House Update - May 16
Three peaks and a domed house - April 25
Lindsay Update - January 19

2011 POSTS

Lindsay Update - August 18
Domed House Redux - July 13
Lindsay's Domed House(s) - June 23
Domed House Update - April 19
Domed House Update - March 1

2010 POSTS

Three Peaks and a Domed House redux - October 14
Three Peaks and a Domed House - August 3

2008 POSTS

Lindsay Update - April 26
Three Peaks and a Domed House Revisited - January 3

2007 POSTS

Three Peaks and a Domed House - November 5
Mini Three Peaks and a Domed House - September 18
Three Peaks and a Domed House - September 6
Major, Minor, Mini Three Peaks and Domed Houses - July 30
Domed House Update - July 12
Domed House in the Dow - June 29
Domed House in the Dow - June 8
S&P's, Spiders, and QQQQ's - June 7
How Much Farther - May 16
Dow Domed House - April 30
Domed House Update - April 4
A Minor Three Peaks in the Dow - March 1
Domed House Update - February 28
Domed House in the Dow - February 27
Domed House Update - February 23
Domed House Update - January 25

2006 POSTS

Dow Industrials Domed House - December 27
Domed House in the Nasdaq 100 - December 26
How to Traded Your Forecasts - December 3
Domed House Update - December 1
Domed House Update - November 27
Mr. Lindsay Meets Mr. Elliott - November 26
Three Peaks and a Domed House - November 11
Lindsay's Theory of the Middle Section - October 8
Mirror Image Projections - October 8
Basic Advances and Declines - October 8
Three Peaks and a Domed House Update - September 25
Dow Three Peaks and a Domed House - August 25
Domed House Update - July 24
Three Peaks and a Domed House - June 30
Dow Industrials 3 Peaks and a Domed House - May 30
3 Peaks and a Domed House Update - May 24
Domed House Update - April 18
Update on Top-to-Top Counts - April 3
Some Low-Low-High Counts - April 3
Basic Advances and Declines - March 27
Domed House Update - March 20
Lindsay Low-Low-High Counts - February 16
Domed House Update - February 16
Domed House Update - February 8
Another Top-to-Count - January 27
2006 Bond Market Forecast - January 22
Linday's Domed House in the S&P - January 21
More Top-to-Top Counts - January 4

2005 POSTS

2006 Stock Market Forecast - December 23
Lindsay Foldback for S&P - December 6
Update for Lindsay's Basic Advances and Declines in the Dow - November 2
Three Peaks and a Domed House - October 31
Lindsay Looks at the Dow - October 7
Top to Top Counts - October 4
Three Peaks and Domed House Update - September 21
Three Peaks and a Domed House - July 31
Schematic of Three Peaks and a Domed House - May 16
Three Peaks and a Domed House in the Dow - May 16
Mirror Images of the US Dollar - May 14
Weekly Foldback for Bonds - May 6
Linday's Foldback Charts - May 4
2005 Bond Market Forecast
2005 Stock Market Forecast
2004 Stock Market Forecast
2003 Stock Market Forecast

1 comment:

  1. Carl, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge about George Lindsay. In addition to the time based techniques (Middle Section, Top Counts etc.), are there any price-based techniques that Lindsay used to arrive at target prices for highs/lows?
