But some of them focus especially on the state of public opinion and its implications for the markets.
Here is the list of posts through August of 2009. From that date forward you can find my contrary opinion posts on the blog devoted to my book "The Art of Contrarian Trading".
POSTS IN 2009 (through August - see note above)
Hollywood Horror - August 24
China bubble revisited - August 19
Conservative contrarians get ready to rumble - August 3
Is the recession over - July 28
A China Bubble - July 27
More bull market evidence - July 23
New bull market - July 17
That dog didn't bark - July 15
A contrarian goes to Barnes and Noble - July 13
Light the torches, grab your pitchfork - July 13
Gloom - July 8
Crude Oil Update - July 8
A Contrarian looks at crude oil - July 6
A contrarian looks at the bond market - June 24
The stock market crowd - June 23
Interest rates, commodity prices, the dollar, and the stock market - May 8
Hysteria Takes Hold - March 23
Record Bearishness - March 9
Almost Forgot - March 6
Dow on Sale - 50% off - March 3
The Tipping Point - February 19
Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here - February 18
Doomed, I say, Doomed !! - February 13
Anticipating Failure - February 11
Fear and Loathing in Davos - February 4
The Employment Number - December 5
Imminent Low - November 21
On the Front Page - November 20
Yikes!!! - October 16
Scared? - October 13
Global Chaos- All Signs Pointing To Panic - October 10
Panic Volatility - October 8
Even the Bears Are Scared Now - October 8
Daily Dose of Distress - October 8
Housing and Banking - October 7
Today's Headlines - October 7
A Comment On Comments - October 3
The Intolerance of Crowds - October 1
The Verdict Is In - September 30
Business Week and Forbes Chime In - September 30
Today's Headlines - September 30
Republicans Tank Market - September 29
These Dogs Aren't Barking - September 29
Everybody Hates the Bailout - September 29
Cash Levels in Money Market Funds - September 25
High Anxiety - September 25
The End is Near - Buy! - September 22
Running for the Exits - September 18
The End is Near - September 16
Who Is Buying? - September 15
More Evidence on Sentiment - August 4
The Image Speaks For Itself - July 28
The Bearish Drumbeat Goes On - July 21
A Comment on 1987 - July 14
Reply to Tom - July 14
Crystallizing Events - July 14
Just For Fun - July 11
Retirement Fears - July 9
The Tribune Chimes In - July 7
Upcoming Recession - NOT - July 6
The Bear is Back - July 6
Hulbert Speaks - July 1
The Worst Is Yet To Come - June 30
It's Worse Than You Think - June 9
Two Cherries on Top - March 29
A Panoply of Pessimism - March 22
Nattering Nabob of Negativism - February 12
Meltdown - February 7
Fortune Piles On - February 7
Another Nail in the Bear Market Coffin - February 1
Gushing Gloom - January 27
Fanning the Flames of Panic - January 23
New York Times: "Stock Plunge" - January 18
The Dollar - December 3
Bond Timers are Bullish - November 30
Bears Abound - November 30
Economy Headed for Recession? - November 21
Trifecta from the New York Times - November 8
Oil and the Stock Market - November 7
Market Shock - August 24
Wipe Out !!! - August 20
Is the Sky Falling ? Part 2 - August 11
Is the Sky Falling ? - August 10
More Bearish Sentiment in the MSM - August 6
Death of a Bull Market ? - July 27
Buyout Stocks - July 20
Interest Rates - June 15
The Crash Seems Like Just Yesterday - June 4
Baby Boomers are Cashing In. So What ? - May 31
All the Gains, Without Gurus - May 31
Oil, Oil, Toil, and Trouble - May 29
Does This Bull Have Legs - May 24
Are High Gas Prices Here to Stay - May 24
US Dollar and US Assets - May 22
No Punch at This Party - May 7
Unwary Investors - March 26
Time(s) to Panic ??? - March 1
Bear Market ?? - February 28
Mud Season on Wall Street - February 1
Tobacco and the New York Times - January 31
The New York Times - Bearish to the Bone - December 6
The US Dollar - December 4
Disaster Ahead ?? - November 30
Tomorrow's Election and the S&P - November 6
Bull Fighting - October 25
Debt Headed Up - September 25
Is That Dog Barking? - August 10
Nattering Nabobs of Negativity - June 11
The Dog That Didn't Bark - June 6
A Bear in the Woods - May 30
US Dollar - May 22
S&P Weekly - May 22
Above the Fold in the New York Times - May 18
Be Worried. Be VERY Worried. - March 28
One More Nail - March 24
Google - the Sinking Ship? - February 13
Oil on Their Minds - February 1
Bond Market Sentiment - January 18
Caboose on the Bear Train - December 13
Growing More Bullish - December 1
Still Lots of Bears - Novmeber 22
Rydex Cash Flow Ratio - November 8
The Main Stream Media Just Doing Their Job - November 1
Consumer Sentiment - November 1
Stock Market Bears - October 21
Yikes !!! Bears Are Everywhere ! - October 14
Rydex Cash Flows - October 12
Rydex Cash Flows - September 29
Stock Market Bears - September 27
Stock Market Sentiment Update - September 23
Piling On !! - September 12
All Disaster, All the Time - September 11
Hulbert Sees a Wall of Worry - September 8
"The Bursting Point"- More Gloom and Doom - September 4
The New York Times Predicts the Past - September 4
Katrina and Crude Oil - September 4
Katrina and the Stock Market - September 1
Oiloholics - August 27
Bearish Sentiment in Stocks - August 24
Running On Empty - August 22
Are Americans "Sour" About Everything? - August 15
Borrowing Baidu.com - August 15
Too Bullish? - August 12
At It Again - August 6
Stock Market Surprise - August 2
Hulbert's Bond Bears - July 20
Are They Changing the Lock? - July 12
Why Do We Feel Blue? - July 10
Did That Dog Bark? - July 8
So This Is a Weak Economy? - June 28
Laughing at Google - June 26
Bullish Bush Bashing - June 17
The Dog That Didn't Bark - June 16
Squawk Blog Makes Fun of Google - June 13
The Slope of Hope - June 13
Mr. Bubble - June 12
Time Magazine Forecasts End of Boom - June 7
Double, Double Toil and Trouble - June 5
Gold and the New York Times - June 3
Is There a Real Estate Bubble - May 25
Going Up - April 28
The Story of Google - April 22
Yikes! - April 22
The New York Times and the US Dollar - April 21
Contrary Thoughts on the US Stock Market - April 21
Hulbert Speaks - July 1
The Worst Is Yet To Come - June 30
It's Worse Than You Think - June 9
Two Cherries on Top - March 29
A Panoply of Pessimism - March 22
Nattering Nabob of Negativism - February 12
Meltdown - February 7
Fortune Piles On - February 7
Another Nail in the Bear Market Coffin - February 1
Gushing Gloom - January 27
Fanning the Flames of Panic - January 23
New York Times: "Stock Plunge" - January 18
The Dollar - December 3
Bond Timers are Bullish - November 30
Bears Abound - November 30
Economy Headed for Recession? - November 21
Trifecta from the New York Times - November 8
Oil and the Stock Market - November 7
Market Shock - August 24
Wipe Out !!! - August 20
Is the Sky Falling ? Part 2 - August 11
Is the Sky Falling ? - August 10
More Bearish Sentiment in the MSM - August 6
Death of a Bull Market ? - July 27
Buyout Stocks - July 20
Interest Rates - June 15
The Crash Seems Like Just Yesterday - June 4
Baby Boomers are Cashing In. So What ? - May 31
All the Gains, Without Gurus - May 31
Oil, Oil, Toil, and Trouble - May 29
Does This Bull Have Legs - May 24
Are High Gas Prices Here to Stay - May 24
US Dollar and US Assets - May 22
No Punch at This Party - May 7
Unwary Investors - March 26
Time(s) to Panic ??? - March 1
Bear Market ?? - February 28
Mud Season on Wall Street - February 1
Tobacco and the New York Times - January 31
The New York Times - Bearish to the Bone - December 6
The US Dollar - December 4
Disaster Ahead ?? - November 30
Tomorrow's Election and the S&P - November 6
Bull Fighting - October 25
Debt Headed Up - September 25
Is That Dog Barking? - August 10
Nattering Nabobs of Negativity - June 11
The Dog That Didn't Bark - June 6
A Bear in the Woods - May 30
US Dollar - May 22
S&P Weekly - May 22
Above the Fold in the New York Times - May 18
Be Worried. Be VERY Worried. - March 28
One More Nail - March 24
Google - the Sinking Ship? - February 13
Oil on Their Minds - February 1
Bond Market Sentiment - January 18
Caboose on the Bear Train - December 13
Growing More Bullish - December 1
Still Lots of Bears - Novmeber 22
Rydex Cash Flow Ratio - November 8
The Main Stream Media Just Doing Their Job - November 1
Consumer Sentiment - November 1
Stock Market Bears - October 21
Yikes !!! Bears Are Everywhere ! - October 14
Rydex Cash Flows - October 12
Rydex Cash Flows - September 29
Stock Market Bears - September 27
Stock Market Sentiment Update - September 23
Piling On !! - September 12
All Disaster, All the Time - September 11
Hulbert Sees a Wall of Worry - September 8
"The Bursting Point"- More Gloom and Doom - September 4
The New York Times Predicts the Past - September 4
Katrina and Crude Oil - September 4
Katrina and the Stock Market - September 1
Oiloholics - August 27
Bearish Sentiment in Stocks - August 24
Running On Empty - August 22
Are Americans "Sour" About Everything? - August 15
Borrowing Baidu.com - August 15
Too Bullish? - August 12
At It Again - August 6
Stock Market Surprise - August 2
Hulbert's Bond Bears - July 20
Are They Changing the Lock? - July 12
Why Do We Feel Blue? - July 10
Did That Dog Bark? - July 8
So This Is a Weak Economy? - June 28
Laughing at Google - June 26
Bullish Bush Bashing - June 17
The Dog That Didn't Bark - June 16
Squawk Blog Makes Fun of Google - June 13
The Slope of Hope - June 13
Mr. Bubble - June 12
Time Magazine Forecasts End of Boom - June 7
Double, Double Toil and Trouble - June 5
Gold and the New York Times - June 3
Is There a Real Estate Bubble - May 25
Going Up - April 28
The Story of Google - April 22
Yikes! - April 22
The New York Times and the US Dollar - April 21
Contrary Thoughts on the US Stock Market - April 21
How about sticking with market analysis and staying away from politics, that would be more useful to your readers
ReplyDeleteWhen someone is as accurate as Carl and gives it a way for free he can write about anything he wants and I will read it. More useful to your readers? Like he owes you specific information that you have paid for?
ReplyDeleteWhat a great "archive". I started speculating just a year and a half ago after reading a front page story in a swedish newpaper about that the bearmarket was over. After a very trying year I somehow survived and turned losing to breakeven to small profit. Reading your book I learned a lot about myself. It turns out I sold when I should have been buying last year. Keeping a diary really helps keeping cool. And looking through all your contrarian post I now understand the phrase "bullmarkets climb a wall of worry"...
ReplyDeleteBut your forcast 2008 were a bit off. You eigher underestemated the bear conviction or you were just experimenting with your blogg looking for bear reaction. :D
Thanx your keeping a really nice blogg....