Real Time e-mini S&P Trading, plus contrarian commentary on all the markets, all the time
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Verdict Is In!
Business Week and Forbes Chime In
Today's Headlines
Guesstimates on September 30, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: Judging from this morning’s headlines and the bullish divergences evident in the advancing issues numbers I think that yesterday’s low either ended this drop or is very near the final low point. The market took out the September 18 low at 1136 yesterday on a panic decline but this morning is trading above that level which is a minor bullish indication. It has established a trading range between 1112 and 1166 and I think it will move out of this range on the upside today or tomorrow.
QQQ: The Q’s will probably act worse than the S&P for a while and eventually drop into the 34-35 zone before a solid low is in place.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop is underway in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is now at 149.40.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – November Crude: Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I think Google will make a low near 375 and then begin another multi-year bullish trend.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Advancing Issues

Republicans Tank Market
These Dogs Aren't Barking
Everybody Hates the Bailout !
Guesstimates on September 29. 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: I think the e-minis are headed for the 1160 level. From there the market should turn up once more and a rally to 1300 should begin. Resistance above the market today is 1200.
QQQ: The Q’s should hold support near 38.50 and then start a move up to 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop is underway in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is now at 149.40.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – November Crude: Crude now has resistance at 112.00. Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Covered and Long
Guesstimates on September 26, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: I thought that the e-minis would hold above the 1205 level but so far they have dropped nearly 20 points below there. I think this means that the market is headed for 1160. At that point the trend should turn upward and a move to 1300 should begin.
QQQ: The Q’s should hold support near 38.50 and then start a move up to 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop is underway in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is now at 149.40.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – November Crude: Crude now has resistance at 112.00. Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935, but my guess now is that Thursday’s 925 high marked the end of the rally. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Look Ahead

Traders Comments
Added Second Unit
Headed Up
Cash Levels in Money Market Funds

High Anxiety
Guesstimates on September 25, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: The e-minis are in a trading range between 1180 and 1200. Strength above the high of this range will mean that the market is headed for the 1300 level. Failing that indication the e-minis will probably drop to 1165 first and then start a big rally. The current rally should carry the S&P up to1400 during the next few months and much higher than that next year.
QQQ: The Q’s should hold support near 39.50 and then start a move up to 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop has begun in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is now at 149.40.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – November Crude: Crude now has resistance at 112.00. Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935, but my guess now is that Thursday’s 925 high marked the end of the rally. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Headed for 1160
Reversed to long at 1189
Out then Short
Guesstimates on September 24, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: The E-minis have bounced three times off of the 1188 level but the rallies from there have been on decreasing volume. I conclude that the market has to go lower before it can start a move to 1300. My downside target for today is 1165 but since I am bullish I won’t be dogmatic about this. The current rally should carry the S&P up to1400 during the next few months and much higher than that next year.
QQQ: The Q’s should hold support near 39.50 and then start a move up to 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop has begun in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is now at 149.40.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – November Crude: Crude now has resistance at 112.00. Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935, but my guess now is that Thursday’s 925 high marked the end of the rally. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chart Page Has Been Updated
Guesstimates on September 23, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: There will probably be high volatility around 10am, the time Bernanke testifies before congress today. I think the e-minis will probably make it down to 1190 but from there the market should begin a rally to the 1300 level. The current rally should carry the S&P up to1400 during the next few months and much higher than that next year.
QQQ: The Q’s should hold support near 40.50 and then start a move up to 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop has begun in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is now at 149.40.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – November Crude: Crude has resistance at 110.00. Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935, but my guess now is that Thursday’s 925 high marked the end of the rally. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1330. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The End Is Near - Buy!!!
Guesstimates on September 22, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: T e-minis will probably drop to support in the 1200-10 zone before they move up above the 1300 level. In any case I expect last week’s 1136 low to hold for quite some time. The current rally should carry the S&P up to1400 during the next few months and much higher than that next year.
QQQ: The Q’s will probably drop to 41.00 over the next couple of days and then start a move up to 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop has begun in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 147.50.
Dollar-Yen: Resistance is at 108.50 and I think the market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: Crude has resistance at 110.00. Next downside target is 75.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935, but my guess now is that Thursday’s 925 high marked the end of the rally. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1330. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Bailouts and Ben Bernanke
There has been a lot of commentary in newspapers and on the Internet about the actions taken this year by the Fed and the U.S. Treasury to prevent the bankruptcy of various financial institutions. I would characterize the general tenor of the discussion as puritanical.
People seem to think that Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and AIG were “bailed out”, rescued by the Federal government despite their having committed one of the seven deadly sins: greed. These corporations are now seen to have been imprudent because their balance sheets were highly leveraged. A good portion of the assets on their balance sheets are regarded now as “toxic waste”, mortgage-backed securities which have become highly illiquid. Commentators tell us that these institutions had no business being so highly levered to finance assets of such dubious quality.
There is another theme which runs through this commentary. It is that the federal regulators who are responsible for oversight of these institutions are “letting them get away with murder” by “bailing them out”. Worse, by bailing out these institutions the federal government is supposedly encouraging such reckless behavior in the future.
Finally, most of these commentators think that the financial crisis of 2008 was entirely foreseeable by regulators and therefore could have been prevented. They claim we are confronted by a clear case of regulatory misfeasance. Indeed, some argue that it is actual malfeasance resulting from financial benefits congressmen have received from these corporations.
I believe the views I have just characterized are terribly misguided. They ignore the history of financial crises and the well developed body of practical wisdom which is now guiding Bernanke’s and Paulson’s response to the current crisis.
Every financial institution is in the business of lending long term and financing these assets by borrowing short term. Most of the time this mismatch between the durations of assets and liabilities causes no problem. But if for some reason it becomes difficult to borrow short term against the value of these long term assets a so-called debt-deflation spiral can begin. Virtually all financial crises are examples of this phenomenon. If short term financing becomes tight or unavailable, financial institutions must sell long term assets. This depresses the price of long term assets and thus reduces the value of these assets as collateral for short term financing. This in turn makes it even more difficult to borrow short term to finance holding long term assets. This self-accelerating process will inevitably lead to severe drop in the value of long term assets and a long lasting economic depression if allowed to continue unchecked.
Depressions caused by debt-deflation spirals have happened in the past. The panics of 1857, 1873, and 1893 were the principal examples of the 19th century. Within the past 100 years the
People seem to have forgotten that the Federal Reserve was created in 1913 precisely to be a lender of last resort. Congress believed then that the reason for the frequent panics and depressions in the
It seems to me that Bernanke and Paulson are fulfilling their responsibilities as lenders of last resort. The actions they have taken are only what is necessary to prevent a catastrophic debt-deflation spiral, not just in the
Let me say something about the term “bailout”. Many people seem to believe that the bailouts we have seen pose a serious moral hazard problem to the economy by encouraging reckless behavior by financial institutions. But I do not believe this fear withstands closer scrutiny. The first thing to keep in mind is that the stock holders in these institutions have lost most or all of the value of their shareholding. The bondholders come out somewhat better, but will still show the scars of this event. The top executives in these corporations have lost not only their jobs but a substantial part of their net worth as the share price dropped close to zero. It defies belief that these stakeholders in the troubled institutions are indifferent to these consequences. To the contrary, I think they are being severely punished for whatever bad decisions they may have made. So I think this aspect of the moral hazard problem is difficult to take seriously.
There is a second moral hazard consideration which escapes the calculus of individual choice. Hyman Minsky (1919-1996) made his considerable reputation as an economist by developing a theory of financial crises. I think his books can and should be profitably read today. In his book of essays, Can “It” Happen Again? (1982), Minsky predicted that financial crises would become more frequent. Because the Fed was now willing to act as the lender of last resort he believed the cost of averting crises would be paid in persistently increasing inflation rates. This was the macroeconomic, moral hazard associated with the so-called “Fed put” which financial institutions may think prevents them from taking serious losses on long-dated assets.
But Minsky’s prediction was only half right. Yes, financial crises have continued to recur periodically and the Fed did act as lender of last resort. After Minsky’s book we saw crises in 1987, 1990, 1998, 2000-2002, and now 2008. In each instance the Fed acted to provide enough liquidity to prevent a debt-deflation spiral. But the upward spiral of inflation which Minsky predicted did not happen. In fact, just the opposite occurred. From 13.5% in 1980 the rate of inflation dropped to 1.6% in 2002 before rebounding slightly during the past six years. Thus an inflationary spiral is not a necessary consequence of the Fed’s actions as lender of last resort.
Let me close this short essay with a few remarks about the often heard assertion that better regulation would eliminate the need for these so-called bailouts by the Fed. In a word, this is nonsense. Does anyone really think that a bureaucrat in
Hindsight is always 20-20, but it is foresight that is needed to prevent financial crises. Sadly, foresight is in short supply and for good reason. To understand this we can look to Minsky's theory.
Minsky believed that financial innovations play a central role in creating financial crises. New assets are created and new portfolio strategies implemented to exploit profitable niches for financial intermediation. But these innovations, precisely because they are new elements in an evolving financial structure, will interact with the economy’s balance sheet in ways nobody can anticipate. Regulators are necessarily behind the curve when it comes to innovative financial products. So if Minsky is right, and I think he is, it is hopeless to expect that new layers of regulation can or will prevent the next financial crisis. No one, let alone a government bureaucrat, can foresee the future well enough to do this properly.
I think we all should be grateful that public servants like Bernanke and Paulson have taken their responsibilities seriously. In doing so they show the courage to endure the misguided criticisms of people who see their actions as either immoral, as benefiting only “the rich”, or as "bankrupting" the U.S. and its taxpayers. These men are saving us from an economic depression whose consequences would be terrible to contemplate.
Right and Wrong?
This is going to sound critical and I wouldnt want to write a blog and be subject to all the abuse you get so it is meant to be constructive.
Were you right? No I dont think you were. I started looking at this blog about 4 months ago and repeatedly said we were going lower.
I also looked back to your reports in Dec at 1500 and you were bullish then. I was bearish and have been since last August after Northern rock - too early yes. I was wrong then.
If I had followed your predictions then, I would have lost my shirt rather than having a v good year.
Now yes you will be right for a while. Between 2 weeks and 2 months. If it goes through 1250, it will be the later BUT this is still a bear market and there is a long way down on housing yet to come and on stocks at a later date.
Watch Marc Faber on Bloomberg tonight (and he knows what he is talking about. He has a great track record)
'Those who think we are in a new bull market are in fantasy land.'
I always enjoy reading your comments! Thanks for joining the discussion.
The principal conclusion I have drawn from my forty years in the markets is this. The name of the game we play is profit. To be a winner in this game you have to learn the art of survival, of losing only a little when you are “wrong”. And you have to learn how to make as much money as is reasonable when you are “right”.
I might add that the mistake made by most people in the market is to think in terms of good or bad, right or wrong, and then to identify these polar opposites with profit or loss. This is psychological poison. For it limits that person’s ability to deal with adverse situations by taking losses appropriately and by adjusting his or her views in response to changing situations.
The famous speculator Bernard Baruch is known for prospering during the great bear market of 1929-32 when the stock market in the
As you say, I did not see this bear market coming. With this in mind it is interesting to examine the results of the trades I have posted to this blog. The first trade was posted on October 22, 2007, just 11 days after the top of the bull market. During the subsequent 11 months I have traded 54 units and made profits on 25 of them. Most of these trades were on the long side of the market. Net result? A profit of 157 points on 54 units. This works out to a 52% profit in 11 months trading the e-minis in a $15,000 account with a single unit being one e-mini contract.
My retirement accounts are intended for longer term investing. As I write this, with the S&P at 1260, these accounts are down 3% vs. a drop in the S&P of 20% from its bull market high.
So, as you say, I was “wrong” because I didn’t see the bear market coming. But most people would be happy to have the results I have achieved during the past 11 months.
I believe that thinking of your results in terms of "right" or "wrong" is what philosophers call a category mistake. Right and wrong have literally nothing to do with the markets. All that is relevant is profit or loss.
Guesstimates on September 19, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: I think that yesterday’s low is a very important one and in all likelihood is the end or very close to the end of this bear market. The rally which started yesterday will probably carry the S&P to 1400 over the next couple of months. Today I think the market shall find resistance in the 1260-65 range. Support stands at 1200-10.
QQQ: A big rally is underway. The 45.00 level is initial resistance.
TLT - December Bonds: I think a big drop has begun in the bonds. It should carry the market back to 111 or lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are now headed for the 110-111 zone.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 147.50.
Dollar-Yen: The market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: Crude has resistance at 102.50. Next downside target is 88.
GLD - December Gold: Gold still has resistance at 935, but my guess now is that yesterday’s 925 high marked the end of the rally. I think gold will soon drop to 600.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1330. Next downside target is 900.
Google: I am not very sure about Google’ technical position. I still think it has a good shot at 375 before it resumes its long term bullish trend.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Long Second Unit
Comments Posting
Running For The Exits
Guesstimates on September 18, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: Panic is in the headlines of today’s newspapers. Volume has been very high the past two days but the futures will probably open today about where they opened on Tuesday. The daily advancing issues number has developed a bullish divergence while its 5 and 10 day moving averages are extremely oversold. All these factors combine to make me think today will be a bullish day and that a substantial rally is about to start. We may get an early drop to support which today stands at 1150, but the rest of the day should be upward.
QQQ: The market blew through 41.50 support yesterday on panic selling, but should hold the 39.90 level and then rally significantly.
TLT - December Bonds: The market has reached and exceeded the 123 target. Yesterday the bonds failed to make it back to Tuesday’s high of 123-27 in the face of stock market panic. This is a bearish indication and I think the next big move will be downward.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes stopped just shy of the 120 target. I think the next big move from here will be downward.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 147.50.
Dollar-Yen: The market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: Crude has rallied more than $10 but should stop near resistance at 102.50. After that a drop to 88 will be in the cards.
GLD - December Gold: Gold rallied on panic buying yesterday and now has a good shot at the 935 level. That should be it however and from there I think gold will drop below 700.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390. Next downside target is 900.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Added Second Unit
Guesstimates on September 17, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: I think yesterday’s 1163 low marked the start of a substantial rally. First upside target is 1250 but I expect higher prices than that in a week or two. Support today is 1186.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 44.25.
TLT - December Bonds: The market has reached and exceeded the 123 target. I think the next big move will be downward. market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes stopped just shy of the 120 target. I think the next big move from here will be downward.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 145.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market is headed for 98.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: Crude has reached the 91 level and a rally of $10-15 is imminent.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390 and I think we shall see a drop below 1000 before silver can start a big rally.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Comments on Comments
Bullish Divergences
Day's Low Is In
The End is Near
Guesstimates on September 16, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: The market reached the 1175 level last night and since has been trading sideways. The financial crisis is on the front pages this morning. Support is at 1165 today. I think this drop is just about over.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 44.25.
TLT - December Bonds: The market has reached and exceeded the 123 target. I think the next big move will be downward. market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: The notes are just shy of the 120 target. I think the next big move from here will be downward.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 145.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target. Support is at 106.00. Added Later: I missed the break of 106.00 support yesterday. Its failure means that the yen is headed for 99.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: Crude has reached the 91 level and a rally of $10-15 is imminent.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390 and I think we shall see a drop below 1000 before silver can start a big rally.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Who Is Buying?
E-mini Update
Guesstimates on September 15, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: The financial crisis is on the front pages again. I think we shall see an 1175 print before a big rally can begin. Meantime the 1233 level is resistance above the market today.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 44.25.
TLT - December Bonds: I think the market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: I think the market will reach 120 before it heads lower.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 145.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target. Support is at 106.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: The target at 98 has been reached and crude has dropped as low as 94.15 this morning. I think we’ll see the 91.00 before a rally of $10-15 begins.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390 and I think we shall see a drop below 1000 before silver can start a big rally.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Added a Second Unit
Added One Unit
Guesstimates on September 12, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: The e-minis will probably continue yesterday’s rally and move into the 1270-75 zone. Support today is 1235. Once the rally from yesterday’s low is complete the market should drop to 1175 or so.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 44.25.
TLT - December Bonds: I think the market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: I think the market will reach 120 before it heads lower.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 142.50.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target. Support is at 106.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: I think that the market is headed for 98. The 112 level is resistance.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390 and I think we shall see a drop below 1000 before silver can start a big rally.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Stop Loss Procedures
Reversed Postion
Up to 1230-32, then ?
Guesstimates on September 11, 2008
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: The e-minis have dropped below last week’s low early this morning so I think the next stop will be 1195. From there we should get a substantial rally of say 30-40 points before going lower again.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think the market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: I think the market will reach 120 before it heads lower.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 146.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target soon. Support is at 106.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: I think that the market is headed for 98. The 112 level is resistance.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Silver has reached its downside target at 1100. Resistance is at 1390 and I think we shall see a drop below 1000 before silver can start a big rally.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Time Zone Note
At The Close - flat
Bought More
Another Thought on Volume
Big Volume- Going Up!
Down to 1210
Guesstimates on September 10, 8:20 am ET
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: I think this market will take another trip up near or a bit past the 1282 level before dropping decisively below 1200. Support today is at 1210 while resistance above the market is at 1242.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think the market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: I think the market will reach 120 before it heads lower.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 146.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target soon. Support is now at 106.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: I think that the market is headed for 98. The 112 level is resistance.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Silver has reached its downside target at 1100. Resistance is at 1390 and I think we shall see a drop below 1000 before silver can start a big rally.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
What's Next?
Shorted Second Unit
Fourth Time at 1250
Guesstimates on September 9, 8:15 am ET
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: A close today above 1285 will tell me that last week’s downside action was a massive shakeout and that the market will be headed much higher. In the meantime I again see 1283 as resistance above the market today and 1250 is still support.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I think the market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: I think the market will reach 120 before it heads lower.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 150.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target soon. Support is now at 106.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: I think that the market is headed for 98. The 112 level is resistance.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390 and the next downside target is 1100.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Advancing Issues
Guesstimates on September 8, 8:15 am ET
Spiders - September S&P E-mini Futures: I really don’t know what to make of the sharp rally which has occurred in response to the Fannie and Freddie bailout news. Here is how I am going to play it. A close today above 1285 will tell me that last week’s downside action was a massive shakeout and that the market will be headed much higher. In the meantime I see 1283 as resistance above the market today and 1250 as support.
QQQ: Support is at 41.50 and resistance above the market is at 45.00.
TLT - December Bonds: I now think the market will reach 123 before it heads lower.
December 10 Year Notes: I now think the market will reach 120 before it heads lower.
Euro-US Dollar: The trend in the euro is downward and I think the market is headed for 135. Resistance above the market is at 150.00.
Dollar-Yen: The market should reach the 112.00 target soon. Support is now at 106.00.
XLE - OIH - USO – October Crude: I think that the market is headed for 98. The 112 level is resistance.
GLD - December Gold: Gold is headed for 700. Resistance above the market is at 840.
SLV - December Silver: Resistance is at 1390 and the next downside target is 1100.
Google: Google is probably now headed for 375.