Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sold long position at 898.00


Yobaby said...


Tough trade....I suspect you gave more room on the stop than you planned? That sort of cascading slide is always a rough place to pick a stop.
You're doing very well over all.

Kelly Blaine said...

Carl, as mentioned before, 9.5 out of 10 people CANNOT take a loss. Thats why, historically, you are still at this gig because you can take a loss! I'll also wager that 9.5 of 10 people that post here cannot take a loss.

JM said...

How can you trade without being able to take a loss? That's crazy. Nobody wins every time. Few people win half the time.

If you can't take a loss, your account (and likely, you) is underfunded and you should be visiting some other site....perhaps a money management tutorial somewhere? Certainly not trading.


spoon102 said...

Hi Carl,

Not related to your trade, but just wondered if you took overnight positions? It seems that most of the moves these days happen b4 open.