Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Long one unit of e-minis at 841.50


Anonymous said...

by the way check out peter schiffs
opinion about gold--maybe you could get it right? instead of saying 500

Carl Futia said...

Peter Schiff has lost a lot of money for his clients in 2008. He was right on gold and commodities until the July 2008 top and since then has been dead wrong. Just goes to show that the name of this game is profit, not being "right".

*Namaste* said...

Carl, just read your article about demand & supply shock. Since the peak this morning, there were quite a few supply shock on the 5 min. A bit surprised to see you long. Just an observation...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Carl is right, this analysts (Peter Schiff and other 'fundamentalists') often don't know what is a pivot point or inside day. And for current economic situation, you have to trade monthly bars, not even the weekly